Friday, February 20, 2009
One Piece Chapter 533 (English)
One Piece Manga (English)
Friday, February 13, 2009
One Piece Chapter 532 (English)
TAGS: One Piece 532 Spoiler, One Piece 532, One Piece 532 RAW, One Piece Manga 532, One Piece Manga 532 Spoiler,One Piece Chapter 532 Spoiler, One Piece Chaprter 532, One Piece Spoiler 532, One Piece 532 Prediction, One Piece Chapter 532 Spoiler and Predictions, One Piece 532 Discussions, 532 Spoilers Predictions, 532 Spoilers Predictions, Spoiler 532, Prediction 532, One Piece 532, Raw Spoilers, Raw Manga 532 Spoiler, 532 Spoilers One Piece, Scanned One Piece 532, Confirmed Spoiler One Piece 532, Confirmed One Piece 532 is out , One Piece 532 English, One Piece Chapter 532 English, Scanned Chapter 532 One Piece, One Piece Manga Chapter 532 English, One Piece Manga 532 English, One Piece Anime Chapter 532, One Piece Anime 532, One Piece 532, One Piece Chapter 532
One Piece Manga (English)
Thursday, February 12, 2009
One Piece Chapter 532 Spoiler (RAW)
Below are collated Predictions and Spoilers of One Piece Chapter 532. I will release the confirmed scanned pics and Spoilers for One Piece Chapter 532. Be sure to see it first here!

Chapter 532: Prisoner Beast: Minotaurus
[The prisoners helping Straw Hat Luffy are the following!!]
[Prisoner Number E8200: Clown Pirate Buggy]
[Prisoner Number D0464: Baroque Works Agent Gyaru Dino - Alias Mr. 3]
[Prisoner Number C9915: Baroque Works Agent Bentham - Alias Mr. 2, Bon Kurei]
[Currently, Straw Hat Luffy, and Mr. 2, Bon Kurei are rampaging wildly in the N sector!! The Blue Gorillas are unable to face them!!
We think they're heading for Level 4!! Zaza (might be static or something) ... The formerly mentioned prisoners are rampaging on Level 2 ...!! The intruders are advancing deeper ...!!]
Prisoner: "Kukuku ...!! That's real interesting now. Those guys are relievin' the boredom."
"They'll be caught in the end ..."
At that time in Level 4, the Warden's Room
Magellan: How's Saldeath doing!?
[The Blue Gorillas aren't able to get Straw Hat Luffy, Mr. 2 ... So far supressing the riot in Level 2 is sucessful ...]
Magellan: Why, at a time like this, are they not giving me information!!!?
Hannyabal: You were ignoring them because you were dazed by Hancock-dono. *sweatdrop*
Sadi: The guest has returned, Chief. We've done our preparations ... Mm ~~~ <3 How is it? Magellan: Ooh, Sadi-chan. Who's in Level 3? Sadi: Minotaurus mm ~~~ <3 is there. Magellan: But Level 3 is where they're escaping from. Are you going to herd them ... Above there, the riot is Saldeath's duty ... Gather the rest of Impel Down's fighting forces into Level 4!! That's for in case they escape Minotaurus' hand and fall into the Burning Hell. I will directly enforce punishment!!! So he think he can make light of the Great Prison, Impel Down ...!!! ビビるハンニャバル (This says something about Hannyabal, but I can't figure out the verb. Might be something about him getting smaller.) At that time, Luffy and Bon Kurei are ... standing in front of a strange cow. Luffy: What the hell is that thing!!!!? It can really move!!! Bon Kurei: That's Minotaurus!!! [Prison Beast: Minotaurus] Bon Kurei: It's a cold-blooded Prison Beast!! It's a monster that treats people like garbage!!! Luffy: Monster!? Is it an ability user!? And as he's talking, Minotaurus strikes Bon Kurei with his spiked club. Bon Kurei: Oooo ... wwwiiiiieeeee!!! Luffy: Eh!!? Bon-chan!!? He's fast ... And as he's saying that, he strikes at Luffy's back to bring him down, but Luffy's avoids it. Luffy: Wah!!! *it rushes in for the strike* E - BAGOON!!! It hits right in Luffy's face. Luffy: Guaa~~~~!! Bon Kurei: Straw Hat-chan, watch out!!! Memorandum's Fouetté!!! Bon Kurei kicks Minotaurus into a cell. While Luffy's separated from them, Bon Kurei's been captured. Bon Kurei: Ugeaa ...!!! Just ... just finish ... me/him off!!! (Bon-chan doesn't explicitly say who, so it's me/him until we get all the pictures and see whom he's talking to.) Luffy: Gomu Gomu no Jet Bazooka!!! The hit sends Minotaurus flying. Luffy: Haa haa. Are you okay, Bon-chan ...!!? Bon Kurei: *coughcough!!* Haa ... I was ... I was a dying octopus ... I saw before my eyes ... a field of trannies! You really are strong, aren't you!! Hafuu! That monster ... might still be alive, but that was real effective ...!!! Nmo~! He's the ~~~~ worst for ruining my make-up!! Cosmetics, cosmetics!! I want my make up!! And then my toe shoes, and my clothes, and my weapons and ... Bon Kurei: Sake and tears and Okama Way!! Luffy: Hurry and let's go down. I'm thirsty and starving. Bon Kurei: There's nothing to be confused about, Straw Hat-chan! To get from Level 3 to 4 is gross-me-out (don't ask) simple, and that's the truth!! Luffy: Eeh!? Really!!? Bon Kurei: That's right, gross-me-out. If you'd please look over at that huge climbing wall!! Luffy: No, that's impossible. I can't touch a wall that looks hot as an iron pot!! Bon Kurei: It's all right, Straw Hat-chan ...!! They climb. Luffy: Hot, hot!! Bon Kurei: Hey, look down there. They can't see through because of the thick smoke. Luffy: ...!!! What's all this hot wind and smoke!!? ... I can't stand this plase. Bon Kurei: That so!? But!! Surely this is the place you want to go, Level 4, the Burning Hell!!! Luffy: So you're say this floor's so hot because of this one. Uh ... Bon Kurei: Straw Hat-chan, I'm saying the way through Level 4 ... is certainly a giant iron kettle!! If we go down there, there's boiling pools of blood and a blazing ocean of fire ...!! If you don't mind jumping down from here though ... and where we land is in err, I'm sorry, but you'd burn! Advancing from this point, means life or death!! Luffy: Didn't you say there was someone you wanted to meet? Someone you'd risk life and death to meet? Bon Kurei: I'd call out to this miraculous person ...!! Siezed though he did no crime ... his alias, Iwa-san of Grand Line's Peach Colored Paradise! The princess of Kamabakka Kingdom!!! The one for whom trannies of the world over yearn!! History's Strongest Tranny King!!! SNIFF!! I want to have just one look!!! It'd be so great if I could!! I want to save him!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAA~~~~ Luffy & Bon Kurei: ?? Far away Buggy and Mr. 3 are shouting while they run. Bon Kurei: Ngyaa! Just a minute!!! What were you thinking bringing that guy aloo~~~ng!!!? Didn't you say you were breaking ouu~t!!? Luffy: Well, now we can go together! Mr. 3: Mm ... no way ...!! That thing would catch us then ...!!! Buggy: We didn't plan to go with you into hell!!! That thing came onto us when we were hiding!!! Why're you so thirsty!!!? The four run away. Buggy: Monster ...!! Minotarus ... is just concerned with his own hide!! Don't take your eyes off him ...!!! Ooh, Straw Hat!! Do you happen to remember when I blew you away in that town with with my Special Buggy Balls!!? Luffy: Nope ... Buggy: ... Buggy looks sad. Buggy: ... Well, I'm saying I got one of the Buggy Ball huge shells ... Well, my famous mark is that guy ... (Eh ... that last sentence is off somehow.) *tension lowers* Mr. 3: Attaching your own name there, you must be very self-confident such a weapon as Buggy Ball ... Buggy: That's right!!! I'he preserved that power in my body in a smaller improved form - my newest weapon, the Buggy Balls!!! (Actually, it says Muggy Balls, but it might be a typo on their end ...) *tension heightens* Mr. 3: Change the name!!! Buggy: Anyway, eat this, Special Buggy Balls!!! (Again, it says Muggy ... There's a chance he changed its name, but for now it might be a typo until I see the raw or more pictures.) There's a big explosion. Mr. 3: Uwaaah!!! Luffy: Uoh, awesome! Bon Kurei: That didn't do it!! Buggy: *Minotaurus looks unsteady* He's still awake!! Bon Kurei: Let's go, Straw Hat-chan! Luffy: Hey, 3!! Can't you use your Doru Doru ability!? Mr. 3: It'll melt in three seconds! Luffy: So do it for three seconds! Bon Kurei: Jump, jump, jump!!! Okama Kenpo, Memoir o~~~õf that Winter's Day~~~~!!!! (HAH. I knew that one!) It's a direct hit to Minotaurus' crown of its head. Mr. 3: Let's go, Straw Hat!! Candle Lock!!! Luffy: Right!!! Gomu Gomy no~~~~o Tonkachi Rifle~~~~~!!! (Hammer Rifle) Minotaurus goes flying, and he goes down. All: We did it ~~~~~!!!! We beat the monster of hell ~~~~~!!!! Luffy: All right, let's go to Level 4!!! Where Ace is. Jimbei: ... Ace: ... Don't come, Luffy ...!!! [In Level 4, Warden Magellan has gathered all of his powerful fighting underlings.] END by: AP-Dirt Monkey AL
CLICK Images to Enlarge Resolution

Chapter 532: Prisoner Beast: Minotaurus
[The prisoners helping Straw Hat Luffy are the following!!]
[Prisoner Number E8200: Clown Pirate Buggy]
[Prisoner Number D0464: Baroque Works Agent Gyaru Dino - Alias Mr. 3]
[Prisoner Number C9915: Baroque Works Agent Bentham - Alias Mr. 2, Bon Kurei]
[Currently, Straw Hat Luffy, and Mr. 2, Bon Kurei are rampaging wildly in the N sector!! The Blue Gorillas are unable to face them!!
We think they're heading for Level 4!! Zaza (might be static or something) ... The formerly mentioned prisoners are rampaging on Level 2 ...!! The intruders are advancing deeper ...!!]
Prisoner: "Kukuku ...!! That's real interesting now. Those guys are relievin' the boredom."
"They'll be caught in the end ..."
At that time in Level 4, the Warden's Room
Magellan: How's Saldeath doing!?
[The Blue Gorillas aren't able to get Straw Hat Luffy, Mr. 2 ... So far supressing the riot in Level 2 is sucessful ...]
Magellan: Why, at a time like this, are they not giving me information!!!?
Hannyabal: You were ignoring them because you were dazed by Hancock-dono. *sweatdrop*
Sadi: The guest has returned, Chief. We've done our preparations ... Mm ~~~ <3 How is it? Magellan: Ooh, Sadi-chan. Who's in Level 3? Sadi: Minotaurus mm ~~~ <3 is there. Magellan: But Level 3 is where they're escaping from. Are you going to herd them ... Above there, the riot is Saldeath's duty ... Gather the rest of Impel Down's fighting forces into Level 4!! That's for in case they escape Minotaurus' hand and fall into the Burning Hell. I will directly enforce punishment!!! So he think he can make light of the Great Prison, Impel Down ...!!! ビビるハンニャバル (This says something about Hannyabal, but I can't figure out the verb. Might be something about him getting smaller.) At that time, Luffy and Bon Kurei are ... standing in front of a strange cow. Luffy: What the hell is that thing!!!!? It can really move!!! Bon Kurei: That's Minotaurus!!! [Prison Beast: Minotaurus] Bon Kurei: It's a cold-blooded Prison Beast!! It's a monster that treats people like garbage!!! Luffy: Monster!? Is it an ability user!? And as he's talking, Minotaurus strikes Bon Kurei with his spiked club. Bon Kurei: Oooo ... wwwiiiiieeeee!!! Luffy: Eh!!? Bon-chan!!? He's fast ... And as he's saying that, he strikes at Luffy's back to bring him down, but Luffy's avoids it. Luffy: Wah!!! *it rushes in for the strike* E - BAGOON!!! It hits right in Luffy's face. Luffy: Guaa~~~~!! Bon Kurei: Straw Hat-chan, watch out!!! Memorandum's Fouetté!!! Bon Kurei kicks Minotaurus into a cell. While Luffy's separated from them, Bon Kurei's been captured. Bon Kurei: Ugeaa ...!!! Just ... just finish ... me/him off!!! (Bon-chan doesn't explicitly say who, so it's me/him until we get all the pictures and see whom he's talking to.) Luffy: Gomu Gomu no Jet Bazooka!!! The hit sends Minotaurus flying. Luffy: Haa haa. Are you okay, Bon-chan ...!!? Bon Kurei: *coughcough!!* Haa ... I was ... I was a dying octopus ... I saw before my eyes ... a field of trannies! You really are strong, aren't you!! Hafuu! That monster ... might still be alive, but that was real effective ...!!! Nmo~! He's the ~~~~ worst for ruining my make-up!! Cosmetics, cosmetics!! I want my make up!! And then my toe shoes, and my clothes, and my weapons and ... Bon Kurei: Sake and tears and Okama Way!! Luffy: Hurry and let's go down. I'm thirsty and starving. Bon Kurei: There's nothing to be confused about, Straw Hat-chan! To get from Level 3 to 4 is gross-me-out (don't ask) simple, and that's the truth!! Luffy: Eeh!? Really!!? Bon Kurei: That's right, gross-me-out. If you'd please look over at that huge climbing wall!! Luffy: No, that's impossible. I can't touch a wall that looks hot as an iron pot!! Bon Kurei: It's all right, Straw Hat-chan ...!! They climb. Luffy: Hot, hot!! Bon Kurei: Hey, look down there. They can't see through because of the thick smoke. Luffy: ...!!! What's all this hot wind and smoke!!? ... I can't stand this plase. Bon Kurei: That so!? But!! Surely this is the place you want to go, Level 4, the Burning Hell!!! Luffy: So you're say this floor's so hot because of this one. Uh ... Bon Kurei: Straw Hat-chan, I'm saying the way through Level 4 ... is certainly a giant iron kettle!! If we go down there, there's boiling pools of blood and a blazing ocean of fire ...!! If you don't mind jumping down from here though ... and where we land is in err, I'm sorry, but you'd burn! Advancing from this point, means life or death!! Luffy: Didn't you say there was someone you wanted to meet? Someone you'd risk life and death to meet? Bon Kurei: I'd call out to this miraculous person ...!! Siezed though he did no crime ... his alias, Iwa-san of Grand Line's Peach Colored Paradise! The princess of Kamabakka Kingdom!!! The one for whom trannies of the world over yearn!! History's Strongest Tranny King!!! SNIFF!! I want to have just one look!!! It'd be so great if I could!! I want to save him!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAA~~~~ Luffy & Bon Kurei: ?? Far away Buggy and Mr. 3 are shouting while they run. Bon Kurei: Ngyaa! Just a minute!!! What were you thinking bringing that guy aloo~~~ng!!!? Didn't you say you were breaking ouu~t!!? Luffy: Well, now we can go together! Mr. 3: Mm ... no way ...!! That thing would catch us then ...!!! Buggy: We didn't plan to go with you into hell!!! That thing came onto us when we were hiding!!! Why're you so thirsty!!!? The four run away. Buggy: Monster ...!! Minotarus ... is just concerned with his own hide!! Don't take your eyes off him ...!!! Ooh, Straw Hat!! Do you happen to remember when I blew you away in that town with with my Special Buggy Balls!!? Luffy: Nope ... Buggy: ... Buggy looks sad. Buggy: ... Well, I'm saying I got one of the Buggy Ball huge shells ... Well, my famous mark is that guy ... (Eh ... that last sentence is off somehow.) *tension lowers* Mr. 3: Attaching your own name there, you must be very self-confident such a weapon as Buggy Ball ... Buggy: That's right!!! I'he preserved that power in my body in a smaller improved form - my newest weapon, the Buggy Balls!!! (Actually, it says Muggy Balls, but it might be a typo on their end ...) *tension heightens* Mr. 3: Change the name!!! Buggy: Anyway, eat this, Special Buggy Balls!!! (Again, it says Muggy ... There's a chance he changed its name, but for now it might be a typo until I see the raw or more pictures.) There's a big explosion. Mr. 3: Uwaaah!!! Luffy: Uoh, awesome! Bon Kurei: That didn't do it!! Buggy: *Minotaurus looks unsteady* He's still awake!! Bon Kurei: Let's go, Straw Hat-chan! Luffy: Hey, 3!! Can't you use your Doru Doru ability!? Mr. 3: It'll melt in three seconds! Luffy: So do it for three seconds! Bon Kurei: Jump, jump, jump!!! Okama Kenpo, Memoir o~~~õf that Winter's Day~~~~!!!! (HAH. I knew that one!) It's a direct hit to Minotaurus' crown of its head. Mr. 3: Let's go, Straw Hat!! Candle Lock!!! Luffy: Right!!! Gomu Gomy no~~~~o Tonkachi Rifle~~~~~!!! (Hammer Rifle) Minotaurus goes flying, and he goes down. All: We did it ~~~~~!!!! We beat the monster of hell ~~~~~!!!! Luffy: All right, let's go to Level 4!!! Where Ace is. Jimbei: ... Ace: ... Don't come, Luffy ...!!! [In Level 4, Warden Magellan has gathered all of his powerful fighting underlings.] END by: AP-Dirt Monkey AL
One Piece Manga Spoiler (RAW)
Friday, February 6, 2009
One Piece Chapter 531 (English)
Chapter 531 (English) : Level Three, The Starvation Hell

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by: OM
Chapter 531 (English) : Level Three, The Starvation Hell
CLICK Images to Enlarge Resolution

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by: OM
One Piece Manga (English)
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