Hi everyone this is
hellfire32, Naruto Addict needed someone to manage the One Piece blog and I was asked, and well I said yes. For those of you who don't know me I'm the one who is responsible for all the pairing posts.
One Piece 558: "Brother"


ONE PIECE 558 [Youner Brother]
Title Page : Repaying the one night's lodging pants (not sure what it means)
Final Story : Satan begins working on a music composition
WB: the execution is gonna take place earlier than it was planed!?
is that what they said!?
Luffy: they said they're waiting on the preparation of sth first, but I didn't get the rest coz it was crypted
just to let you know, I wanna save Ace as much as you do!!
WB: is that right, that's good to know
Luffy: never mind that..(it's all good)
prisoners: why is he talking to WB like that!!
that guy got guts!!
WB: as the opponent is a pirate, there's no need to stick to schedule!!?
Marco: boss!! marines got the go to execute Ace early..!!
WB: but be cool, they leaked that information to make us panic
we didn't hear their plan by coincidence, it's not like him.. he's not a guy that makes such a mistake!!
Kizaru: if I dont take you down the Tenryuubi are gonna be nagging me.. mugiwara luffy..
Luffy: !!?
prisoners: it's A..Admiral "kizaru"!! he's a dead man, mugiwara!!
Iwankof: "DEATH WINK"!!
Kizaru: humm...
Mr 3: HHAAAA!!
Buggy: NOOO!! I just wanna go home

prisoner: HAA!! captain buggy...
no other adventure.. are you serious about leaving!?
Luffy: that was close!! thanks Iwa-chan
Iwankof: my roll is keep you alive!!
Iwankof: kizaru again!!
!!? naah it's not him
Luffy: AAA! this is who made my nakama disappear!!
Iwankof: "ROLLING ESTHE" (shorter for [esthetic] I think)!! HEEHAAA!!
Iwankof: Bartholomew kuma...!! HA..HA...
I get that you wanna keep you title as a SHICHIBUKAI..
But damn, dont be shooting MAJIREZA (real laser) at someone you know
Kuma: ....
Hina: I wont let you escape!! AWASE(linked kimono) "HANEORI" (feather cage)!!
Luffy: you're the one from Arabasta!?
Luffy: I'm already inside a cage!!
Marine: WAA!! yo Hina!!
Hina: That was fast!! I couldn't see!!
Hina failed!!
Marine: Stop!!
Luffy: one by one is tough!!
You!! HAA.. HAA!!
Moria: Muguwara, high spirit as always
... that's right, I will take your shadow!! and move Oz!!
Say it Zombies!! (not sure)
Ace: luffy..!!
Moria: Go Zombies, arrest Mugiwara!!
this is a battle field!! I will use the dead to increase the zombies!! kissshishishi!!
Marine: take Mugiwara out!!
he's the mastermind behind the escape!! (from Imperial Down, I guess)
Kizaru: move move!!
Ace: ... ... ...!!
Ace: dont come!! luffy!!
Luffy: WHA..
move out of my way!!
WB: ... ...
Ace: you're suppose to know this!! we are pirates!!
we advance into the sea as we see fit
Garp: ... ... ...!!
Ace: I got my own adventure!!
I got my own Nakama
You have no business in here!!
To be saved by a chump like you, you think I would allow that!?
I won't allow such a disgrace.
Go home luffy!! why did you come here!!!
Jinbei: Ace-san...
[Ace: I'm begging luffy.. dont be dragged into this...!! this is on me alone ...!!]
Luffy: I am your younger BROTHER!!
Ace: !!!
Ace: did you know, if we drunk Sake from the same cup we become brothers.
As of today we are brothers!!
Luffy: I dont give a damn about pirates code!!
Ace: what a stubborn fool..!!
Moria: Go zombies!!
Zombies: YEEEAH!!
Zombies are purified
Moria: NA...
Jinbei: Moria!! I am your opponent
Luffy: Jinbei!!
Sengoku: What are you doing, dont let one rookie take control of this battle
Giant: move out of my way, I will crash him!!
Sengoku: that man is a dangerous key factor in the future
He is the brother (in law) that grew up with ace.
He is the true son of the Revolutionary DRAGON
Marine: ... ... ...!!?
that Dragon's!!?
Buggy: WHAAAAT!!?
Helmeppo: He's gone and said it...
Coby: Luffy-san...!!
Moria: ... ...!!
Mihawk: No surprise there
[Hancock: even if you're the devil's son, I...(heart mark)]
Doflamingo: that explains why the Revolutionary Iwankof is helping him
that makes sense now
Jinbei: Now, I get it..
Smoker: ... that solves the mystery of what happened at Logue Town
Pirates: hey, did you hear that!!
AT Sabaody Archipelago
Journalist: Headquarter Headquarter!!
this is Sabaody Archipelago,
Broadcast to the world!!
Garp: it doesn't make a diffrence.. there's no need to hide it anymore... luffy
is already a well known outlaw, a label like that won't matter... !!
Giant: Oooooo!!
Luffy: Gomu Gomu noooo!!
GIGANTO RAIFURU (giant rifle)!!!
Luffy: AAAAACE~~!!
Say what ever you want!!
I will save you even if I die!!
Ace: ... ... ...!!
WB: Marco.. dont let that one die...
Marco: Roger that.
Mirco pic 1
Whitebeard: They're going to execute Ace early!?
You sure they said that?
Luffy: They said something about getting ready for something...
but the rest was all codes, and couldn't understand them well.
I know you also want to save Ace, that's why I'm going to tell you this!
Whitebeard: I see... that's a valuable information you told me. Thanks!
Luffy: It's alright, don't worry about it!!
Others: Why is he talking on same level with Whitebeard!! Where does he find the gull!?
Mirco pic 2
Whitebeard: I see, so they see no reason to stay with the schedule... with pirates agaist them.
The key here is, they're waiting until "something is ready"...
Luffy: UOOOOOO!!!!!!!
Marco: Hey pops! I heard on the marine's communications that they're going to execute Ace early...!!
Whitebeard: Yeah, I heard.
Whitebeard: But keep your cool. Us reacting to leaked information... is most likely according to plan.
For us to "accidently" hear their plan... isn't the type of mistake that man would make!!
Kizru: The tenryuubito are nagging us to capture you, Strawhat Luffy~
pirates: It's Admiral Kizaru!! The Strawhat is dead meat!!
Mirco pic 3
Ace: Don't come Luffy!!!
Luffy huh.. !!!! Out of my way!!
Whitebeard: .....
Ace: You should realize!! We're both pirates!! We chose our own ocean to advance forward in!!
Micrco pic 4
Ace: I have my own adventure!! My own crewmates!! YOu have no business to butt in!!!
Marco: Ace....
pirates: Save Ace!!
Ace: Do you think I'd forgive you, a whimp like you coming to rescume me!? You know how insulting that is!?
Go home Luffy!!!! Why did you come!!!
Jinbei: Ace....
Ace: (Please Luffy, I don't want you to go down with me....!!! This is all my fault!!!)
Mirco pic 5
Ace flashback
Ace: Did you know? we drink from each other's sake cup... and we become brothers!
From this day on... we are brothers!!
Luffy: I don't care about the pirate's rule!!
Ace: Stubborn bastard....!!
Mirco pic 6
Sengoku: What are you doing!! Don't let one rookie change the tide of the battle!
Giant: Out of the way, I'll crush him!!
Sengoku: That man is a dangerous factor to the future as well!!!
He is a sworn brother of Ace who grew up with him... and his bloodline is....
He is the true son of Revolutionary Dragon!!!
Marine: !!?
Luffy Gear third!!!
Mirco pic 7
Marines: You mean THE Dragon?
Buggy: WHAAAT!?
Helmeppo: He said it...
Coby: Luffy-san!!
Moria: !!!
Mihawk: It's no surprise.
Hancock: I don't care who's son you are... I... I....(heart mark)
(Kuma says nothing, god, say something already)
Doflamingo: I see, that's why Ivankov of the revolutionaries is working with him!! I see it now!
Jinbei: I see, I didn't know...
Smoker: Now I know why it went down like that in Logue Town...
Reporter: Did you hear that!?
HQ!! HQ!!! This is from Sabaody Park!!
Crowd: You mean... THE Dragon!?
Reporter: It's a huge news!!! Relay this to the entire world!!
Garp: I don't care... there's no point in hiding it anymore.
Besides Luffy is already an outlaw who made a name for himself, such label means nothing...!
Translation: Title: Ace and Luffy
Ivankov&Buggy: He's arguing with Whitebeard!..
Luffy: One-two... You just wait a little, Ace...
Whitebeard: A brat like you... Are you a big shot or just a big fool that does not know when to be afraid? Gurarara!
Crocodile: ......
Kizaru: Now that we have permission for elimination, let's carry it out right away.
Marco: Guys! Enough with sight-seeing! Break through! Go with full strength!
Luffy: It'll be nice to fly right over there
Sengoku: Damn you! Garp! What's going on!?
Garp: Ku... Luffy... Where have you popped out of at such a time...
Ace: Even Luffy... Ku... Stay away!
Sengoku: I won't let the plans be ruined any more than this! Garp, you understand!?
Kizaru: Of course, Sengoku-san, I will eliminate him in a moment.
Garp: Ku... Ku...
Kizaru: I'm coming...
He kicks Luffy with the speed of light from above.
Luffy: Eeeeee..
He evades by hair's bredth
Luffy: The shining guy! Don't get in my way!
Whitebeard: Are you going to take on two opponents, Kizaru?
Kizaru: Oops..
(Whitebeard?) shatters Kizaru's light with the air-quake
Luffy: Sorry, old man, but I leave the light-old-man to you. Gomu-gomu no...
Whitebeard: Impertinent brat...
Luffy: Pachinko!
Luffy jumps all over, pummeling the marine soldiers, the marines that are hit are blown off and collapse.
Donflamingo(?): What's that? Fufufu... That's fun, Mugiwara!
Smoker: Mugiwara:
Kuma: ...
Ivankov: !? Kuma...
Luffy: Oryaaaa! Gomu-gomu nooo
Aokiji: suuu
Luffy: !?
Luffy: GIGANTO...
Aikiji: ICE AGE
Luffy's arm is frozen
Luffy: Ice old man!.. my hand...
Aokiji: Suuuu Fu.. It's been a long time, Mugiwara. I'm sorry but you won't accomplish anything here. That time I could afford leaving you alive, but today I'll have you dead.
Luffy: I'll save Ace! I won't lose any more! Get out of my way! GIGANTO ICE PUNCH!
He punches down with the gigantic ice-frozen fist
Marines: Uoooo! Aaaa
The frozen sea is broken and tens of marines fall into the water. As the hand reaches under the water surface, ice is melted off.
Marine(s): You... are you dead?
Luffy: !?
Aokiji: ...!?
Marco at the rear (? not sure of tl)
Marco: I will be your opponent
Pirates: Hey hey! Now that the ice is broken we can't come across nicely any more!
Sengoku: Garp! Since you're here, I'll have your cooperation too! (not sure of tl)
Garp: Luffy...
Hancock: Ah... Luffy
Kuma: Mugiwara
(no idea what is this line about)
The End
One Piece 558 Predictions
hellfire32Future predictionsCrocodile "Will you let me fight Whitebeard after Ace is rescued?"
Luffy "Absolutley not"
Whitebeard "Oh let him, it doesn't matter to me as long as Ace is safe"
Luffy "very well"
Luffy jumps into a crowd of marines and starts charging towards Ace's platform. Akinu steps in the way.
Akinu "Your Dragon's son aren't you?"
Luffy "Crap how did he know"
Crocodile "Dragon's son!?"
Akinu "Die" Akinu throws some molten rock at Luffy only for the attack to be intercepted by Crocodile.
Crocodile "Go get your brother"
Luffy "Alright"
Akinu "Why are you helping the pirate that put you away?"
Crocodile "Doesn't matter what he's done, he is Dragon's son, the only man who I have absolute loyalty too"
Akinu "Interesting"
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