RAW Scans NARUTO 457 | BLEACH 367 | ONE PIECE 551
by: Nja / 2Ch
One Piece 551: Yonkou Whitebeard

That "But it really proved to be a positive outcome" is just what's seen on the last page *lol*
Cover: Usopp's become a huge fatso
Whereas Ace said he wanted to make Whitebeard the king, it seems like Whitebeard on his part wants to make Ace the king
Ace's mommy wanted to call him "Ann/e" if he were to become a girl. If he were to become a boy his name should be "Ace". That's what she and Roger had decided.
Luffy and Ace met at the time of around 3~5 years for the first time, so maybe they knew they weren't brothers of the same blood
When Ace left the village it was only 2 years later that the marines managed to find out that he was Roger's son.
But even before that Whitebeard watched over Ace and protected him.
The Gates of Justice can be opened by Whitebeard's crew so that Luffy and allies can advance through the center.
It is there that Whitebeard's fleet is rushing in as well
The Shichibukai vs. 5 or 6 pirate captains coming from the New World (their epithet/"nick" as well as their real names are given but I forgot them)
In front of the scaffold there's a ship coming from the bottom of the sea with Whitebeard and his 14 commanders aboard. Another three battle ships suddenly appear as well.
From their middle there is just one person debarking - Whitebeard's just so cool!
Well and in the end they're all brought together at the same place
That's about it
The (ship) captains from the New World are all part of Whitebeard's crew
But please, don't expect each one of them to show their face...
But the face of Ace's mom can be seen in Garp's flashback
Those (ship) captains coming from the New World got huge armadas behind them.
For that reason it'll be those 5 or 6 captains vs. the Shichibukai
While their armada will take on the 100,000 marines or so, don't you think?
Ace's mum looks...interesting. I hope you feel the same way *lol*
She's just my type *lol* Therefore I really love her^^
Translated by: Comma - AP
I don't understand Japanese but I can read Chinese spoilers. Here's some more details about this spoiler I read from a Chinese OP fansite. Hope it helps. Sorry for my English.
XDCover: Usopp grew fat suddenly
Eventhough Ace wants white beard to be the king, white beard seems like he wants Ace to be the king instead.
Ace's mother and roger decided, if she's a girl then call her Ann(?), if he's a boy then call him Ace.
Luffy probably knew Ace wasn't his brother with blood relationship since when he was 3-5 years old.
2 years after Ace left the village, the Marine has pointed that he is the son of roger, however white beard has been protecting him.
The gate of judgement is open by white beard pirates, so Luffy and his crew may enter.
White beard's fleet bursts in from there.Shichibukai VS 5-6 pirate captains from the new world.
White beard's ships and 3 ships with 14 captains(?) comes up from the sea.
One of them step off the ship, white beard looks awesome.
---------here's some dialog---------
"Haven't seen for some decades. Sengoku, how's my dear son, is he ok?"
Have a look at Ace"Just a little longer...Ace"
The captains of the new world are all with White beard. Don't expect showing their faces.
Ace's mother's face is shown, in Garp's memory.
by: blym - AP
Usopp fights a large bird.
Whitebeard comes on a ship. Behind him comes the 14 division captains on 3 ships.
There are also 5-6 pirate crew captains as allies though, which fight with the Shichibukai.
Nothing about Usopp growing fat, sorry to dash hopes there.
Cover story: Usopp fights a large bird.
Although Ace speaks of his ambition to make Whitebeard the Pirate King, Whitebeard acutally wants to help Ace become the Pirate King.
Luffy had met Ace at 3-5 years of age, and hence might realise that they are not related by blood.
The Marines already knew that Ace was Gol D. Roger's son 2 years after Ace left the village, but he was already under Whitebeard's charge.
The Gates of Justice are blown open by Whitebeard's crew, allowing Luffy's crew to charge in. Whitebeard's ship has broken the perimeter already.
Whitebeard's ship emerges from the waters, followed by the 14 division captains on 3 ships. Whitebeard disembarks alone.
The Shichibukai face off against 5-6 pirate crew captains from the New World. It turns out that they are allies with Whitebeard.
Garp remembers Portgas D. Rogue's face.
Some dialog from the end of the chapter:
"Well then...any last words?"
"Haven't met in a few decades, eh? Sengoku."
"My dear son is safe, isn't he?"
Whitebeard meets Ace's eye.
"Endure a bit more, Ace"
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