But anyway getting serious about the next chapter. Just when you thought things couldn't get much worse they get better, then it all falls apart. As if the three admirals weren't bad enough Garp steps in the way and is of course as we all would agree on, MUCH too strong for Luffy. Whitebeard is too injured to do much, Crocodile is dealing with Hawkeye, Sentomaru is being dealt with by Boa Hancock, Joz and Marco are back on their feet. I have no idea what happened to Doflamingo (I HOPE HE IS DEAD I HATE HIM). But of course it is too easy for Echiro Oda to simply say that he is dead so I bet we will see more Doflamingo in the near future. The next chapter is the make or break chapter (or at least the next couple chapters). I say that because Whitebeard has no more tricks up his sleeve, everyone of the whitebeard pirates is fighting tooth and nail to get Luffy up to Ace in time. If Luffy fails this time, I'd say it is likley that Ace WILL end up executed UNLESS someone powerful such as Dragon or Shanks were to interfere then. Because once Luffy falls, I doubt it to be very likley that Sengoku is going to be patient enough to wait for new executioners or wait for the two previous ones to recover, afterall between Sengoku and Whitebeard this is a fight to WIN! For Whitebeard to win is to get Ace out alive, for Sengoku to win it is to get Ace Executed, now under the emphasis of EXECUTED lawfully and in the right manner Sengoku will have won Completley but however Sengoku will still consider it a win IF he can make sure that Ace doesn't leave the battle alive, for that him just simply swiping at Ace and killing Ace is all it would take to win, but so far Sengoku has demonstrated the will for it to be done the proper way rather than to just simpley kill him with his own hands. Wether that's because Sengoku wants to adhere to a code of honor, or because he will lose popularity if he does it himself I don't know, but in the end, this choice has guarenteed Ace's life up until this point, now the real make it or break it for Sengoku is if Garp can hold Luffy off properly IF Sengoku is even considering in just killing Ace with his own hands (I don't know about anyone else but Sengoku seems to have enough hatred for Gol D Roger to actually do that) the once/if Luffy makes it past Garp because he is too fast for Garp or Garp let's him then Sengoku has two choices, well actually three.
1. Sengoku will kill Ace himself
2. Sengoku will fight Luffy to prolong the fight which will cripple the Whitebeard pirates
3. Or Sengoku will not intervene at all and let Luffy take Ace under the pretense that he has "Lost"
Now like probably many of you I doubt Sengoku will simply LET Luffy get Ace so the first two will be the more probable.
Afterwards the next problem is getting out and off the HQ afterall all the pirate ships have taken a beating, and whose to say that Whitebeard doesn't have more ships under water, but if he did and they were battle ready ships then I would assume that Whitebeard would have had them surface by now, or he is keeping them in reserve so when they do get Ace they will have Able ships to make a getaway in.
As for the possibility that someone will intervene the only ones capable of making it to the HQ in time to actually help at all is Dragon, some other random people that I can think about (if you want to know who then I will gladly answer later). As for Shaks well he did or is fighting a Yonkou at the moment but from what I remember Shanks fought Kaidou when Whitebeard BEGAN to move or shortly after so the fight is likley to have ended a while ago giving Shanks a possibility of joining the fight, but however the probability of that is VERY debatable.
The Strawhat crew at this point had more than enough time to move around and give them a good possibility to rejoin Luffy and help in the fight, but however that is assuming that they found out about Ace's execution early in their trip to the islands, so that assumption is still weak and doesn't prove anything just that it gives them a possibility of arriving soon. As for Reyleigh well who knows, knowing him he probably knew about the execution since the Straw hats dissappeared and then he would have had some time to regather the old Roger pirates and make for the marine HQ.
So to sum it up, these next couple of chapters will be the most important parts of the battle to ensure Whitebeard's victory or defeat.
Enjoy Please comment, and ALL opinions are welcome, I discourage arguing, insulting, and hurtful discussion.
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