Shanks has come!
Shanks halts Akainu's offensive with his blade, and picks up Luffy's straw hat
[I have come to put an end to this war]
Was the one Akainu was attacking Coby?
Scene changes to a ship
[To go to these lengths]
It is unclear who is speaking, until Kizaru appears in a frame
pic 1
Chapter 579: The Courageous Seconds
pic 2
*Shanks blocks Akainu's attack apparently aimed at Coby?*
pic 3
pirates: It's the Red-haired Shanks!!
Shanks: I came to end this war
pic 4
Marine: It's Trafalgar Law!! A rookie from the North Blue!!!
He's the co-perpetrator of Strawhat Luffy of the incident on Shabondy, and it seems he has come to rescue him on his submarine!!
Law: Hurry!! Get both of them aboard!!
(too blurry to read the rest, it seems that marines are going to focus on
capturing Luffy and defeating Blackbeard. Marines are coming out of the ground,
there's a passageway there now, and Law's ship is being attacked by marine battleship)
pic 5
Teach: Zehahahaha!!! What an awesome power!!
*Marines panicing*
Teach: Come on, Sengoku the Buddha!! The Hero Garp!! Can you stop me!?
Your era will end along with Whitebeard's!!
pic 6
Pirate: The Pacifistas have come over the crack in the plaza!!
*Tashigi worried about another marine*
Smoker: Get a hang of yourself!! You'll still live!! You just have to be tended...
VA?: LEAVE HIM BE! We're still in middle of a war!!
Corner the pirates!!! Crush every last one of them!!
Tashigi: Their spirits is still high!! Marines morale are higher, since they completed their objective....!
pic 7
Tashigi: (Even in victory... they thirst for more!!)
Akainu: Do not forgive this evil called "Piracy"!!!
Teach: No one can stop me now!! I'll destroy everything, and swallow everything!!
Buggy: eh!?
Kizaru: Leave Strawhat Luffy behind~~!!
Law: It's Kizaru!!
pic 8
Buggy: Alright!! You take care of them!! (throws Jinbei and Luffy over)
Law: (blur) Jean-Paul!(blur) Let's submerge!!
(blur blurblur blurblurblur bulr)
*Kizaru teleports next to Law*
Law: Damn it..!
???: Hold right there!!!
Kizaru: .....!?
Marco: .... more marine!?
Akainu: ?
pic 9
Coby?: Let's stop this!!! Let's stop this fighting!!
This is... a waste of lives!!
(Every single one of these soldiers have a family to go back to...!)
Our objective is done!! To keep fighting against enemies who have no more intention to fight back.... and pursuing a war that can be ended already...!!
Abandoning soldiers that may still live if they are tended right away...!!
And increasing even more casualties on top of it...!!
The soldiers that's going to die from now.... this is sheer stupidity!!
(blurblurblur Akainu's speech about not needing a soldier who doesn't walk in the way of justice, and attacks Coby)
Coby: AAAAAaaa!!!!
pic 10
Shanks: ....well done, green marine.
(blurblurblur) The few seconds you bought with your courage...
May have decided the future of the world!!
pic 11
Crowd: That.. that ship is...!!! Why is it here!?
Pirates: It's the red-haired Shanks!!!
Shanks: I came to end this war!!
I just wondered something. Does Trafalgar Law's devil fruit enable him to be good at being a doctor. I mean it does make sense, he is able to seperate a persons body into several pieces while the whole body still works like it's intact. I believe he will be able to heal Luffy no problem, but I want to wonder how good the medicinal practice is in the universe of One Piece. In our world we are able to revive a person 30 minutes to an hour after they have passed away. I don't know about any longer, but it is possible. I wonder if Law is also able to revive Ace, just out of interest sake. The only thing that would make that difficult is the extesive burning of Ace's body.
Yeah probably one of my currently favourite Logia's Crocodile saves Jimbei, and Luffy, and seems to hold a mentality that would definitly make him an ally. But I wonder how he will fair against Akinu, and what's Akinu's problem anyway, he's has Blackbeard behind him killing all the marines and trashing the HQ, and Akinu is still ranting about destroying Dragon's Son. Then I begin to wonder how Akinu came to this mentality. Is it possible that Akinu is the way he is because of some childhood trauma, or did he come to hate pirates because of good old propaganda, or was his father a pirate and Akinu absolutly hated his father. I've gotta make a poll on that.
Now it's a show down of the Whitebeard pirates, Crocodile, Buggy and Crew (Buggy however might run) vs. Akinu, Akoiji meanwhile is in the background, Kizaru is probably being lazy again, I mean I haven't seen him DO ANYTHING in the last few chapters. I wonder where he is. Well he is either going to fight the Whitebeard Pirates, or he is going to confront Blackbeard. and while Blackbeard is a dangerous man.
Sengoku may be able to hurt him, but let's face a fact even Luffy was able to hurt him seriously, so Blackbeard getting hurt isn't a surprise, what I'm most worried about is when Sengoku is going to realize that the moment Blackbeard get's his hand on him Sengoku is finished (or going to be seriously injured). Garp is not much different, though Garp's strength is VERY real even without a devil fruit power, Blackbeard's power of darkness giving him the power of gravity, he can still draw Garp towards him without much trouble, the only difference is Garp isn't going to feel drained of strength because of Blackbeard's power to negate devil fruit abilities.
I really have the feeling that Blackbeard is going to tear the marines to pieces (Figurativley not literally), and then all the marines and I mean ALL THE MARINES will have to focus on Blackbeard, especially the admirals as they are the only ones on a combined front that can keep Blackbeard and his company occupied long enough to let the rest of the marines escape.
On a side note, I doubt Blackbeard is going to face defeat here, it wouldn't bode well with his plans, his ego especially, and on top of it all the story. Blackbeard has to be expressed as a dangerous villian who it will take more than what's already being dished out to defeat him uless another powerful adversary shows up, such as Dragon, or Shanks, Kaidou can be a possibility as well, but not likley. Only the showing of another powerful adversary against Blackbeard would cause him the need to to retreat out of fear, injury, or simply that he isn't ready to deal with them yet.
I've got tons of ideas for polls but I will try to contain myself.
ALL OPINIONS are welcome, there is no need to be shy, a healthy coversation is food for a healthy mind. In that aspect I strongly discourage hateful talk, insulting, insulting use of foul language, and do not turn another person into an enemy, it wouldn't do anyone good.
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