Bleach 379 (24-Pages) English are up!
One Piece 561: Luffy vs Mihawk
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One Piece 561: Luffy vs Mihawk
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Bleach 379 (24-Pages) RAW Pics are up!
by: Nja - 2Ch

Commander of Whitebeard's 5th division should be "Sword Flower" Vista
There are only about 10 PX and it's not stated clearly but since everyone's quite surprised maybe there are some more
There we go, I'mma just add stuff I forgot, k~
Luffy vs Hawkeye is rather one-sided, Hawkeye is dominating and big brother Ace's place is getting further and further away
But it's not like Luffy is about to be cut down, it's more like Mihawk can't hit him [TN: Not too sure about the first part but meh...]
Hawkeye: Ho've grown quite a bit, huh?
Scene changes to where Crocodile is:
Crocodile: Hey hey, I should join forces with you!? Don't make me laugh! Isn't it more like you wanna make me your henchman?, he's saying something along those lines
Crocodile: Beat it, Dofllamingo!
And he's creating some huge sand storm tornado that knocks Doflamingo and Jozu for a loop. For some reason Buggy's struck by that thing as well and is blown in the air
It's getting back to Luffy:
Two of the prisoners take on Hawkeye but he's attacking them in a flash with some killer move. They get struck down and we get to know their names in just that moment but I forgot them *lol*
Hawkeye: I can't remember each and every small fish's name..., and he's charging another attack towards Luffy
Meanwhile Buggy is still in the air due to Hawkeye's strike and when Luffy sees him, he goes: Gomu Gomu no JET Scapegoat --> and it's Buggy vs Hawkeye
Since Buggy can't die no matter in how many pieces you chop him, he might be able to put up a fight.
If he's not slacking of and gets to shoot another Magie Ball this might be some killing attack [TN: Feels like Nja is rather predicting things in this passage...]
And Luffy would go: BUGGY~~~~!! I'll never forget ya in this life!!
So it's going back to Luffy once again who is still rushing towards where Ace is, no sign of Marco
Marco: Hey, gimme some backing up here!
And he's calling for 5th division commander --> it's Hawkeye vs "Sword Flower" Vista
Vista: First I'll take care of those eyes of yours, Hawkeye-dono
Hawkeye: You're Vista, commander of Whitebeards 5th division, aren't you!?
Vista: Oh, so you know me!?
Hawkeye: I don't seem to not know you...
At the end Sengoku stops the broadcast
(Maybe they don't want to make the people of the world their enemies and so they'll only start broadcasting again if the marine is the winner...)
After that a huge army with loads of PX'es appears.
Cover image is Luffy eating bananas with monkey
Luffy vs Mihawk
Mihawk's fierce attacks forces Luffy to back away further and further from Ace.
Luffy can't attack, only thing he can imagine by doing so is to be sliced up.
Mihawk smiles, noticing Luffy's gaining experience.
Scene changes to Croc
Croc says something to the likes of "teaming up with you? don't make me laugh. Don't you mean, "please Mr Croc can I work under you?" Get lost Doflamingo!
Croc creates a massive sandstorm, blowing away both Jozu and DoFlamingo.
Buggy is caught in the sandstorm also and is blown away
Scene back to Luffy
Two prisoners attack Mihawk, and says their names but I forgot them. (<- Nja's comment) Mihwak says the likes of "I don't remember names of fodders" and continues attacking Luffy Luffy finds Buggy up in the sky. "Gomu Gomu no JET scapegoat!" Switch places with Buggy, and now it's Buggy vs Mihawk Buggy doesn't die even from getting sliced into bits, and he gets cocky and shoots a bomb at Mihawk. Mihawk hits the bomb back at Buggy, blowing him up. Luffy: BUGGGGYYYYYY!!! I will never forget you!! Luffy gets back to heading to his brother, and Marco is watching him. Marco: Hey, back him up! Marco calls up the fifth division captain, Vista "The Sword Flower". Mihwak vs Vista Vista: First time to meet you, good sir Hawkeye. Mihawk: You are the Whitebeard Pirates Fifth DIvision Captain Vista "The Sword Flower" are you not!? Vista: Oh, you know me? Mihawk: Of course I would.... Sengoku stops the broadcast Sengoku (If we broadcast this, the whole world might be against us... the only thing that needs to be broadcasted after is our victory) After that, huge army of PX shows up End _________________________________________________________
Notes of Kuma:
This isn't so much of a predictions as it is my ideas of what Kuma's reasons, and actions are.
This isn't so much of a predictions as it is my ideas of what Kuma's reasons, and actions are.
1. Kuma subjected himself to the government as an experiment when he became a Shichibukai. But he also seems to have ties to the Revolutionaries.
2. Kuma seemed to have saved the Strawhats from capture on the Archipelago, and people don't ask too many questions of why. because they see no purpose in Kuma splitting them apart. If i were to speculate it would be this.
1. Kuma did it to keep up appearances of being on the world governments side
2. Kuma knew of Luffy being Dragon's son, and did it to again keep up appearances, and maybe help Luffy get stronger by finding new allies.
3. Kuma hasn't sent anyone to a location that isn't without a problem, or sent them to an area that holds great relation to the individual. Nami on Weatherpeia, and Sanji to that gay island (I hope he doesn't become gay).
4. Each location has either an influence from a stronger power or from the government, so odds are that he found out secrets of the government or of the individual lands and hoped that the strawhats too would uncover it. Much like Robin on that huge bridge, and Franky findign Vegapunks home.
5. Almost undoubtedly when they meet together again each individual will be stronger. Ussop might have some hand to hand combat abilites, and Chopper might find more nerve.
In summary I do not doubt that Kuma sent each person to each location without a perpose, the only ones who doesn't seem to have contact with the outside world is Zoro's location, and Chopper's location.
One Piece Chapter 561
Notes: Well, I made a huge prediciton last week, and I'm not sure how to write this one but I'll give it a try.
by: hellfire32
Crocodile doesn't take a second to contemplate Doflamingo's proposition, he leaps at Doflamingo and swips at him. Doflamingo jumps back avoiding getting hit by Crocodile's attack and is both confused and angry.
Doflamingo: "What are you doing I thought that you wanted to kill Whitebeard?"
Corcodile: "I do, but I want to defeat him with my own power I don't want any help, then the victory won't truley be mine. If you intend to get in my way as well, I won't consider you an ally"
Doflamingo: "I was hoping for an easy way to defeat Whitebeard, but I guess your too stubborn to be reasond with"
Doflamingo swipes at Crocodile and splits Crocodile in half, but Crocodile being a Logia it doesn't hurt him.
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Corcodile: "I'm well aware of your String String abilites, it allows you to attach strings to people and play with them like puppets, and can act as cutting wires that will slice through a person, or a giant with ease, but unless you can grab onto every spec of sand I create you won't be able to stop me"
Crocodile splits into millions of sand particles, Doflamingo jumps away desperate to avoid getting sucked dry and killed. But that proves to be more difficult than Doflamingo thought.
Whitebeard: 'So he too wants to take my head huh, maybe I can seek his help and give him a
right to fight me when this is all done. Just like I've done with Buggy, I will let Crocodile fight me after, and if he kills me he kills me, but as long as Ace is safe then I really don't care what happens to me'
Whitebeard: "Hey sand boy"
Crocodile looks over in annoyance at Whitebeard.
Crocodile: "What do you want?"
Whitebeard: "You want to take my head as well?"
Crocodile: "Yes, I planned to do that since I left Impel Down"
Whitebeard: "I will allow you to fight me without interference, IF you help me get Ace back, and after this fight is done"
Crocodile: "Tempting, but why should I do that and not fight you now?"
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Whitebeard: "If by whatever chance that you kill me, you will still need to deal with the Marines, and you will have to deal with my crew, I doubt that you are eager to face such a predicament. But however if you help me, then I will allow you to fight me, and if you defeat me then no attempt on your life will be taken by any of my crew. And besides, if you fight me now while I'm still in good shape your odds of winning drop considerably, however if you wait till the end of the fight, I might be more tired and more likley to be defeated."
Crocodile takes a moment to think about this, he wonders if he wants to do this, he knows Whitebeard is right, as of right now Whitebeard hasn't taken much part of the fight, and isn't all that tired. So his chances of winning are slim, but that's when Whitebeard's comment of how tired he might be after the fight.
Crocodile: "I accept"
Whitebeard smiles, and Doflamingo looks horrified.
Luffy jumps as a bright light comes crashing at him, Luffy dodges the attack alright, but however he knows who it came from, and he's not all that interested in fighting him. But as Luffy lands on the ground and looks up he sees Hawkeye standing right in front of him sword raised, Luffy watches as Hawkeye brings his sword down.
Hawkeye: "It's been an honor knowing you Strawhat"
Luffy: "Don't think it will be that easy"
Luffy doesn't make an effort to dodge, he brings his left hand across into a strong punching motion, and connects to the side of the sword, Luffy redirects the force and direction of the sword away from him and to the side. Hawkeye looks impressed, Luffy looks on edge.
Luffy: 'I almost didn't make that in time, I doubt I can do this to many more times until I miss and he cleaves me in two'
Hawkeye swings his sword again at Luffy's mid section, Luffy this time decided to jump in and out of harms way, but Hawkeye was ready for this, after finishing his first swing he swings back this time for Luffy's neck. Luffy looks over, he isn't in a position to dodge, or to properly block the attack, Luffy closes his eyes as the sword is comes closer.
Knowing that, the sound of metal clashing against metal isn't the sound he is susposed to be hearing for his situation he opens his eyes to see a familiar figure.
Luffy: "ZORO!"
Zoro: "Nice to see you again cap. I see your just as helpless without us as usual"
Luffy pouts and glares at Zoro, Hawkeye however looks interested.
Hawkeye: "I see that your still well Pirate Hunter Zoro. I hope you have improved your skills since our last encounter."
Zoro: "Indeed I have Hawkeye, I'll admit I don't know if I'm ready to beat you or not, but I can say I won't go as easily as last time"
Hawkeye: "I'll be expecting as much, you didn't last five minutes last time, let's see how much longer you can hold compared to then"
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Hawkeye withdraws his sword and swings again, Zoro skillful deflects the sword knowing full well that a head on strike from that sword might do damage to his own swords, and isnt' willing to risk damage to them yet, at least until he can proplerly gauge the difference in strength. Hawkeye swings his sword again but Zoro sees this and steps in closer and blocks the sword.
Zoro: "Luffy go get Ace, I'll hold him off"
Luffy: "Alright, just don't die on me"
Zoro: "Speak for yourself, your the one jumping into the lions den"
Buggy: "I refuse to fall behind you Strawhat. LET'S GO MEN!"
Buggy carges into the center of the wall of marines, Buggy uses his knives to kill a few marines, a Marine appears behind him and slashes him. Buggy feels himself get cleaved in two, and his followers look on in shock that their saviour just got cut in half. However Buggy smiles, he hovers in mid air, and turns hi body around, and looks at the marine in the eye.
Marine: "What's going on?"
Buggy: "I guess that you've never heard of my abilities, I ate the Chop Chop fruit, I can slipt myself into pieces and rearrange myself, plus I'm unaffected by bladed weapons"
Buggy stabs the shocked marine, and turns to the rest of his followers.
The ex-prisoners cheer now even more driven that their "saviour" is immune to bladed weapons, they charge the marines cutting a bloody swath through them. Buggy hangs back in the middle of his followers to risk less injury to himself, but doesn't exclude himself from the fights, he contsantly fights several marines and continues to press forward encouraging his followers to push further and harder.
Sengoku: "That Buggy, if we had only known of his past before now, I wouldn't be having to deal with such trouble"
Ivankov: "HELL WINK!"
Ivankov winks and a invisible burst of energy slams into Kuma, Kuma is again knocked down. However he gets back up looking unfazed by the attack. Ivankov however looks absolutley peeved.
Ivankov: "You still don't remember? Very well then, let me remind you of one of my abilites that defeated you that day, and drove the nail of fear into you"
Ivankov begins to split into several bodies.
Ivakov: "Body spectrum. OBLIVION WINK!"
The several hits land onto Kuma's body, and continue to baragge Kuma even after he hits the ground, electricity sparks from Kuma's body signifying sever mechanical damage, Kuma's head begins to bleed heavily, and after several more impacts they stop, and Kuma coughs up blood.
Ivankov: "Do you remember now? If not then I will have no choice but to finish you Kuma"
Kuma: "I-I-Ivankov"
Kuma's words struggled to get out as Kuma walked closer to him. Ivankov however heard this.
Ivankov: "So you are in there still Kuma"
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Kuma: "Vegapunk couldn't make my body work properly if he completley removed my conciousness, thus I still remaind alive, though restraint by the machinery. But as the machinery is destroyed my life also dies as well"
Ivankov: "What are you talking about?"
Ivankov took a moment to realize that Kuma's life is tied to the machinery, and with the severe damage to the machinery in his body Kuma isn't going to live.
Kuma: "Tell Leader Dragon (something inaudible)"
Ivankov: "I will, you must have gone through hell to get this information to the Revolutionaries, I will see to it that the message gets to our leader"
Kuma does something no one has imagined him doing, he smiled, and Kuma's eyes closed. The Tyrant is dead.
Notes: I'm not going to do more than that, because I can't keep writing three chapters worth of predictions, plus I want to others predictions as well, so I hope to see plenty of predictions hopefully before the spoilers come out. I'm sorry that this was a bit late, but #$%^ happens right, I'll post it Sunday next week, or if people want me too I can post it Saturday, I just need people to tell me.
Note: This is a site for preditions and discussion, opposed opinions are welcome as long as they are kept to a friendly atmosphere, I won't stand for any comments that are demeaning, like I said opposed points of views and opinions are welcome, as long as they are not demeaning.
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