Naruto 469 English (17 Pages) and Bleach 380 (18 Pages) is up!
by: Nja - 2Ch
Chapter title: Maelstrom Spider Squad
Cover image: Robin smiling beautifully, and a flock of spotbills behind her
Sengoku says we weren't able to completely surround you, but we CAN sandwitch you from both sides vertically!
He orders over 20 Kumas to attack at once, and the Kuma army advances while spamming lasers.
Kizaru stands before Luffy and tells him to go back to the starting point, and kicks him away.
However, Jinbei catches Luffy. As they both plan to deal with Kizaru, 5~6 WB Division commanders appear and all rush to Kizaru.
One of the commanders yell Strawhat... Don't let a measley Admiral stop you.
Luffy complains back at him, and rushes forward.
Kizaru says Oh my.... we got even more troublesome folks to deal with.
Sengoku: Have all the broadcast been interrupted yet?
Marine: No sir, one of the camera has been surrounded by the prisoners, and cannot be stopped!
Buggy starts selling his name on the camera.
He brags on how he used to be a crew member of the Gold Roger, he was like a brother to the youkou Redhaired Shanks,
how he don't die even when sliced up by the strongest swordsman in the world, I am Buggy, Buggy the Clown!!
Sengoku is worried about this being broadcasted will hurt marine's image. He orders the marines to shoot and kill them.
Meanwhile, Mihawk vs Vista. They see Kumas advancing towards them.
Mihawk suggest they both pull back their swords for now, for both of their sakes.
Vista obliges, and they stop the duel.
Moria is seen alive and well, fighting the 10th division commander.
Squad appears behind Whitebeard, and starts walking towards him with his sword drawn.
Then he suddenly stabs Whitebeard, and the chapter ends.
Part 2
Whitebeard: There you are Squad, there's something I want you to do. I'm heading to the front lines!
Marco: Squad... what is he doing over there
Squad, bleeding from his forehead: Man, the guys back there are getting trashed. They're surrounded on all sides, and are about to go down....
Whitebeard: .....
Squad: Whitebeard pirates are really great, aren't they?
They all go rushing in putting their lives at stake from just one command from their leader.
Squad rants on as he advances to Whitebeard, then suddenly unsheathes his sword, spins around and stabs Whitebeard.
Whitebeard's eyes turn white, and Marco, Ace, Luffy and others stare at the scene with confused look on their face.
Part 3
None of the new Division commanders were named, other than 10th.
Moria said his name. That robot looking guy.
Of the The 5~6 commanders rushing at Kizaru, I only remember a kimono wearing dude with a gun that looks like a chick, and bunch of guys.
(Nja isn't sure of the gender of the gun tooting kimono chick, lol)
Part 4
Sorry, I forgot the name Moria called him by....
Moria was hinting something at him though.
Moria: Hey, isn't it awesome you're gonna get to see both Ace and Whitebeard die in front of your eyes? Right, 10th Division commander somethingsomething?
10th DC: I won't let you have Ace OR pops!!
Whitebeard sees the PX army, saying, "Seems like even a subordinate like you will be useful here," and calls out a guy.
Lutz (rattsu?) - Bounty 100 million beli
His ability is the Bug Bug Fruit (as in computer bug)
He can't perform any material attacks but in regards to the interior of computers, he's able to cause computer bugs.
A sailor explains that in the past, he bugged a lot of the marine's warship computers.
He looks up to Whitebeard and says, "I don't have any speed or means to defend, so please cover me!"
Thereupon, the 8th division captain Kazoo(?) (Kazu-)
(Toritori Fruit - Model Swallow)
Seems like the fruit gives incredible speed
Kazoo holds onto Lutz and with a burst of speed heads towards the PX army, circling above them.
Lutz, inhales and releases what seems like an incredible mass of air from his mouth. With both his hands he smashes it to fine particles, and it falls it onto the PX army.
The order is released for Sentomaru and the PX army to attack the pirates. When it seems like PX army are about to simultaneously fire beams from their mouths at the Whitebeard ships, suddenly the PXs face each other and open fire.
Sentomaru is impatient
Sengoku and co. are dumbstruck
Don't have time to translate the rest but basically ends with Squardo attacking Whitebeard.
Buggy is saved by Marco mid air.
Buggy lands in front of Mihawk. He's scared to death, but a new character from the revolutionary army appears and attacks Mihawk.
In the picture with Buggy's face close up, the one saying "Stop them" is Sengoku.
The revolutionary army appears and restarts the TV broadcast, doing an interview with Buggy.
The PX army attacks the pirates, but they attack Doflamingo too, who says "Don't get in my way" and controls one of them to return fire.
Chapter ends with WB getting stabbed by Squard, who turns out to be a government spy.
(I'd take this spoiler with a grain of salt, as it was written after the pics appeared.)
Hmm, that little script mentions The Revolutionaries speak on the TV.
Buggy's seen flying since his attack bounced back to him.
Dofla attacks one of the Pacifitas? (not sure about this).
Squardo is a WG spy.
One Piece Ch 562 Predictions
Notes: this prediction is more or less dependant on how fast Luffy reaches Ace, and how quickly the Marines are going to move onto the execution of Ace.
He Who Replaced the King
Cover: probably a flash back scene of Luffy and Ace as kids.
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Luffy still charging towards the platform with Ace on top of it, the executioners returning to the platform preparing for the execution.
Sengoku: To late Strawhat Luffy
Sengoku tells the executioners to prepare
Buggy emerges from his smoldering heap and looks absolutley peeved.
Buggy watches as Vista and Mihawk fight swinging their swords intensly, so much that it is almost impossible for Buggy to follow, but it doesn't bother Buggy.
the prisoners from Impel down watch in awe as Buggy gets back up to face Mihawk again
Ex-Prisoners: GO SVIOUR BUGGY!
Buggy jumps at Mihawk and swips at him with his knives. Buggy of course gets cleaved in two again, but it doesn't stop Buggy's attack. Mihawk is forced to dodge the attack and dodge Vista's attack as well.
Mihawk: What a troublesome ability
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Buggy: I may not have as much fighting clout as you Mihawk, afterall I spent most of my time hiding from the Government. But with my ability I stand a better chance against you than most of my follwers, let alone most of the pirates here
Buggy swipes at Mihawk again, he hears his follwers cheering, their morale heightening and charging through the crowd of marines helping the slowed progress of the Whitebeard pirates and allies.
Buggy swips at Mihawk again, Mihawk slashes Buggy's hand away not cutting him to prevent himself from facing a unfamiliar predicament of a hand still slashing at him even though he dealt a killing blow. He turns his attention back to Vista and parrys a few blows before attacking the Whitebeard division commander.
Buggy swings at Mihawk, and Mihawk remembers that he didn't kill Buggy and with his abilites he can't, Mihawk jumps away avoiding a hit, but didn't get away without a nick to his clothing.
Buggy: You can run all you want, it's not going to change the fact that I'm coming after you
A PX jumps at Whitebeard and shoots a laser at Whitebeard. Whitebeard just wings his Naginata and defelcts teh beam right back at the PX. The beam impacts the PX callapses to the ground, Whitebeard turns to his left and sees another PX jumping at him ready to punch Whitebeard. Whitebeard swings his Naginata again and the PX splits in half and explodes.
Sentomaru: Even the great Pacifista's are nothing against Whitebeard
Whitebeard deflects several laser shots from more PXs' however Whitebeard doesn't see a PX jump at him from behind.
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Sentomaru: Looks like even the great Whitebeard can be ambushed
????: Fly Away!
Whitebeard stops and so does the PXs to see a sand twister erupt behind Whitebeard and send the PX flying.
Crocodile: the only one who gets to kill you is me Whitebeard
Whitebeard: Interesting, then you wouldn't mind helping me first then I can garuntee you to fight me after then can I?
Crocodile looks at the Pasifista's and the remaining Marines as well as the still standing Shichibukai.
Crocodile: looks like I might have no choice but to accept, after all even if I do kill you it's not going to stop the other pirates from killing me, and the Marines from attacking me either. But however I'm not leaving you alone, I will be beside and behind you the entire time to ensure that your alive for me to kill when this is all over.
Whitebeard: Fair enough
Sentomaru: This isn't good
Doflamingo: Curse you Crocodile
Sengoku: Alright now it's time execute Ace!
Garp: What!? your ignoring the time set for the execution just to get at Whitebeard. Have you no Valour!
Sengoku: To win this fight I must destroy the last remaining blood of Gol D. Roger, then will the Marines have truley won this fight. Execute him!
?????: I can't let you do that Sengoku
Sengoku turns around to see a cloaked figure and recognizes the tattoos and the serious face
Sengoku: Dragon!?
Dragon: Gol D. Rogers blood must live on, for the sake of the world, his blood shall live.
Sengoku: What do you mean for the sake of the world?
Dragon: The World Government is imperializing and force controlling country after country. Roger was the symbol of freedom from control of the government. To destroy his blood is to destroy his symbol and words of Freedom
Sengoku wasn't entirely getting what Dragon was saying, but in the end he only understood that Dragon was here as his enemy.
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Sengoku: I don't know what you are talking about, but Roger has been the source of many nightmares around this world, and is even responsible for many problems with the World Goernement and the Marines, I'm not just going to let his son walk away from this.
Dragon: A son is not responsible for the actions or sins of the father, you of all people should understand this, yet you hold much blame against Roger for the sleepless nights he has caused you. Your not executing Ace to kill off Roger's blood line. your executing him to get back at Roger even though you put Roger himself in the grave
Notes: I had Dragon intervine because majority votes say they agree that Dragon is going to intervine first in the fight. And sorry but this is democracy so too bad. Plus I don't know how quickly this will happen, but in chapter 561 they did say preparations are complete, so if anyone is going to intervine it's going to happen within the next few chapters. I will be able to add on to this, but I won't add a whole lot, cause like in the previous predictions I don't want to add several chapters of predictions. ALSO I would like others to give their predictions a try, some people have voted that some other people like Red Hair will intervine so why not share a prediction.

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