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One Piece 564:
The Man That Rocks The World
The Man That Rocks The World
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Chapter 564 "The man who shakes the world"
Cover picture Franky
Marine: Whitebeard is... advancing!!
Pirates: Follow pops!!
Open the way for pops!!
Damn Squad...!! He stabbed pops because he was decieved by the marines!!
It's beyond foolish...!! How hard must it be for him....!!
Pirates: You will pay for this, marines!!
Squad: What have I done.... Damn!!! What did I do to beloved pops...!!
Marco: Are you going to repent by simply crying about it?
Squad: !!
Marine: What's taking so long for the seige walls!!!
Marine: I'm sorry sir!
Jinbei: But pops is on the move!! This is no time to be pondering
A vice admiral mows down the pirates, and advances towards Whitebeard
Whitebeard blocks the VA's attack
Whitebeard: You're in my way....
VA: I won't let you pass here!!
Whitebeard "grabs" the air, and trips the VA over
VA: My balance...!!
Marine: Oh my god!! This isn't a mere earthquake!! The whole island is moving!!!
I can't stay on my feet!! The town is collapsing!!
A massive tidal wave is created
Whitebeard advances towards the VA's chest, and cracks the air (earthquake), bringing down the VA.
Pirates: Go for it pops!!!
Follow him to the execution stand!! Destroy all!!!
The tidal wave swallows the town
The three Admirals stand in front of the incoming tidal wave
(Aokiji says something here, but the picture is cut off. Akainu replies to him)
Akainu: This is all because of your ice!!
Kizaru: Oh.... why don't you just melt them then, Sakazuki?
Marine: Fire!!
Pirates: Don't bother, just rush in, men!! UOOOOOO!!!!!
Luffy: I can go up from here!
Walls start rising from below
Luffy: Walls!?
The pirates attack the walls with weapons, but they break
The walls surround all around the execution stand
Pirates: Damn!! I can't even dent this tough wall!!
This steel wall must be the seige wall they were talking about!!!
Damn it marines, do you plan not to fight us!!?
Sengoku: It's over.... rather anticlimatic, but.... give it up!!
Akainu: Ryusei Kazan!! (Meteorite Volcano!!) Destroy their foothold!!
Pirates: Uwaaaaaa!!!!!
Meteors in the shape of fists rain down the pirates
by: 2Ch

by: Urouge
Ok, here's a temporary translation until someone who's good at this stuff gets here:
John Giant attempts to stop Whitebeard, but Whitebeard beats him with his earthquake powers to John Giant's chest.
Whitebeard uses an earthquake to attempt to bring down the scaffold, but the admirals stop the attack. The other Whitebeard pirates rush the scaffold.
The siege wall is raising to make it difficult for the pirates to advance to the scaffold. A section of the wall is blocked by Oars' huge body and is unable to lift it. Oars' blood leaks into the system, further reducing its power.
Akainu attacks Whitebeard with a "Ryusei Kazan" (Meteor Volcano), and magma falls down from the sky in the form of a fist.
John Giant tries to stop Whitebeard, but Whitebeard beats him with his powers. (what a waste in a character)
Whitebeard tries to bring down the execution platform by creating an earthquake, but the admirals stop the attack. The other Whitebeard pirates rush the scaffold.(i think that the pirates mentioned are the ones helping luffy)
The siege wall is raising to make it difficult for the pirates to advance to the platform. A part of the wall is blocked by Oars and is unable to lift it. Oars’ blood leaks into the system, further reducing its power.
Akainu attacks Whitebeard with a giant fist made of magma.
Nothing i can see about croc, jozu or marco sorry
My translation isn’t anything special and doesn’t provide much more than what Urouge gave, and having woken up from whiskey land it‘s pretty liberal, but here’s what I have--Aohige or someone else can clear it up later anyway:
John Giant, trying to stop Whitebeard, stands in his way. Whitebeard pulls together the empty space, creates an earthquake, and tilts the island/sea (not sure about the pulling/empty space part).
He then hits John Giant in the chest with an earthquake and takes him down in one hit.
WB aims that quake toward the gallows, but Aokiji, Akainu, and Kizaru, the here admirals, withstand and stop it.
The WB pirates head toward the platform, but a steel siege wall of defense springs up and stops them.
However one section of the siege wall is unable to lift Oz’s body, and Oz’s blood enters the system and weakens it.
Akainu attacks WB and co with “Meteor Volcano” and a meteor magma fist falls down from the sky.
Like I said, nothing new really, and sorry for any mistakes. Don't really get the wall stuff.
One Piece 564 Prediction
Path Chosen
Akinu: Curses Whitebeard isn't going to fight his allies like I had hoped.
Sengoku: Akinu your strategy succeeded in injuring Whitebeard but you and I both know that a simple stab as that won't stop Whitebeard, let alone slow him down.
Squad: Was I truly tricked, but how does that explain the marines only killing New World Pirates?
Marco: Akinu probably instructed the marines and their captains to attack only New World Pirates to make the betrayal all the more convincing. Plus there are A LOT more New World pirates than there are Whitebeard Pirates so it makes sense that it is much easier to target New World Pirates than the fewer Whitebeard Pirates.
Whitebeard charges the front line with amazing speed swining his naganato at the marines sending a huge shockwave at them. Hundreds of Marines are blown away and killed. Akinu lunges at Whitebeard.
Akinu: How dare you break the agreement between us Whitebeard
Whitebeard: I have made no agreement with you fodders
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Whitebeard swing his nagnato and misses Akinu, Akinu tries to swipe at Whitebeard but Whitebeard sees it coming and with his fist and combining it with his Quake abilites he hits Akinu. Akinu flies into a stone wall and disappears. Kizaru and Akoji also attack whitebeard but the result is the same. The shockwaves reach Buggy and his followers, the shockwave shatters the ice freeing Buggy and the others leaving them realativly unharmed.
Marine: Even the Three Admirals are nothing compared to Whitebeard
New World Pirate: What should we do?
New World Pirate2: No idea, I have no idea what to believe
New World Captain: FOOLS!
New world Pirates: Captain?
The new world pirates find their resolve and follow their captains
Sengoku however decided to start with the execution because with Buggy's freezing the camera was rendered inactive, and wouldn't work. But unbeknownst to him when Whitebeard freed Buggy and the prisoners he actually also freed the camera reactivating the signal to the Archapelago where everyone was watching.
Sengoku: Enough quickly resume the execution
Executors: YES SIR!
The two executors begin their traditional execution perfomrance, and ready their spears to execute Ace.
Sengoku: DO IT NOW!
Sengoku is getting paniced because Whitbeard is getting close. Whitebeard had just killed ten more marines and is brushing them aside to get to the platform. The executioners finish their routine performance and ready the blades.
Luffy: NO!
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Luffy along with Jimbei are charging through a small line of marines but they are slowing them down and they can't get there in time.
Whitebeard: I won't make it in time
Whitebeard is at the bottom of the stand but he can't jump up fast enough
Marco: I'm too late
Marco is flying but he just left the ship and is also too far
Sengoku: I win Whitebeard
Ace watches as the spears lunge at his heart.
A jet of green wind envelopes the two executioners and turning into a twister it bows the two executioners away.
Sengoku: What the?
Garp: I should have known...Dragon
A figure appears out of the shadows behind Ace and Sengoku looks on shocked.
Dragon: Good to see you again father
Garp: I can only wonder what it was that prompted you to show son
Note: this is under the assumption that Sengoku does act as the final camera is shut off, plus Whitebeard's approach would make Sengoku want to hurry it up even more. Agreement, and opposition is welcome.
One Piece 563: One Heart, One Man
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