That was epic pwn if you could call it that, now don't get me wrong I like Coby, but man, in a situation like that you don't know what kind of result you would've wanted. You kind of want Coby to actually put up a fight, but then you want Luffy to blow away all opposition and reach Ace as quickly as possible.
This fight is quickly going to the Marines, Joz is down, if not dead yet. Marco well, I'm pretty sure that Marco is far from dead, I mean, in this anime/manga, how much does it take to kill a person? We've seen people smashed through walls, pierced through the chest several times, organs likley turned to pulp or severley damaged, bodies abused to achieve incredible power, and yet almost every villan and almost every innocent/ally that has suffered and injury has come out alive. Man it makes you wonder what it actually takes to kill a person in this story.
Well anyway Marco I'm sure is not dead, Whitebeard is getting there, but he still is as dangerous as before, just is more prone to getting injured and making slow mistakes. Well so far the only thing going for them is Luffy's haki which I think might have knocked out roughly half or less of the Marines, because most of the marines probably aren't much of a fighter like the admirals or some of the vice admirals.
But then the next question comes:
This fight is quickly going to the Marines, Joz is down, if not dead yet. Marco well, I'm pretty sure that Marco is far from dead, I mean, in this anime/manga, how much does it take to kill a person? We've seen people smashed through walls, pierced through the chest several times, organs likley turned to pulp or severley damaged, bodies abused to achieve incredible power, and yet almost every villan and almost every innocent/ally that has suffered and injury has come out alive. Man it makes you wonder what it actually takes to kill a person in this story.
Well anyway Marco I'm sure is not dead, Whitebeard is getting there, but he still is as dangerous as before, just is more prone to getting injured and making slow mistakes. Well so far the only thing going for them is Luffy's haki which I think might have knocked out roughly half or less of the Marines, because most of the marines probably aren't much of a fighter like the admirals or some of the vice admirals.
But then the next question comes:
- What's going to happen now?
- Is Luffy going to tear the HQ apart by himself?
- Is the SuperNovas coming and going to lend a hand near the end?
- Is Shanks going to help out?
- Is Kaidou going to interfere?
- Is Blackbeard going to interfere and help the Marines? - and the option I'm hoping for the most....
- Is Dragon going to come and help?
I really want Dragon to show himself, and get aquanted with his son, and half-son (if you could call it that). But none the less, Garp is going to be a problem, the three admirals are still standing relativly unscathed, Sengoku is going to be trouble as well, Hawkeye is still out there, Moria has yet to be finished off, Kuma we haven't seen the ending of Kuma and Ivankov, there are still plenty of Pacifistas out there, though Boa Hancock is probably going to deal with them.
And there is Crocodile and Doflamingo (HATE DOFLAMINGO GAYNESS) that fight is likley to take some time provided that no one interferes with seastone handcuffs like they did with Marco.
Right now the best thing to happen is Luffy scaring the Shizzle out EVERY marine present including Sengoku, now that he has fear on his side he can create an advantage for himself and Whitebeard's side, but how long will it last until they find out that Luffy can't harness his Haki?
Well, that would only be a problem assuming that Luffy's rage, desperation, fear, and love for his brother doesn't harness it for him. Well I'm open for discussion, and I'm eager to hear others opinions, last week was realtily successful over twenty comments, KEEP IT UP!
And there is Crocodile and Doflamingo (HATE DOFLAMINGO GAYNESS) that fight is likley to take some time provided that no one interferes with seastone handcuffs like they did with Marco.
Right now the best thing to happen is Luffy scaring the Shizzle out EVERY marine present including Sengoku, now that he has fear on his side he can create an advantage for himself and Whitebeard's side, but how long will it last until they find out that Luffy can't harness his Haki?
Well, that would only be a problem assuming that Luffy's rage, desperation, fear, and love for his brother doesn't harness it for him. Well I'm open for discussion, and I'm eager to hear others opinions, last week was realtily successful over twenty comments, KEEP IT UP!