Whitebeard vs Aokiji. Aokiji freezes WB, but it has no effect on him.
Next, Whitebeard enchants his bisento with haki and attacks Aokiji, but it doesn't work on him.
(Apprentice might be just guessing here? It could be just the earthquake power enchant like last time?)
Joz tackles Aokiji, blowing him away. Aokiji's bleeing from his mouth.
Whitebeard looks very weakened.
Meanwhile, Luffy is fighting Momonga and another Vice Admiral? (Apprentice isn't sure)
Both the VAs are Rokushiki users. Luffy is getting pummeled.
Kizaru follows up with his attack also, and Luffy is blown away to where Whitebeard is, and his eyes turn white.
Whitebeard comments to him "You did a good job"
Akainu appears. WB vs Akainu. Marco heads to Ace, but recieves Garp's fist.
Garp: If you want to save Ace, you'll have to kill me first!
cover: Franky is shown smiling and saying “Super powerful !” There’s a old man in a lab coat smiling also.
1st part: Crocodile is fighting Don Flamingo and it seems their powers are canceling each others out. The WB pirates & NEW world pirates are attacking the plaza thanks to Oars (who seems to be completely out). Garp and Fleet Admiral Sengoku have appeared before Whitebeard to fight.
A flashback in Garp’s mind of fighting Gold Roger is shown and then a flashback of Whitebeard fighting Sengoku years ago goes thru Whitebeard’s mind.
Whitebeard: “Its been a long time Sengoku… Garp?”
Sengoku: “Your reign over the seas ends today!”
Whitebeard: “Maybe… but my sons will continue even after me. Ace will be Pirate King!!”
Whitebeard swings his spear and the force pushes back Sengoku but stops. Garp jumps to the air to attack WB head on.
2nd part: Outside the plaza, Jimbei is planning to help Luffy rescue Ace off the platform. He sees Buggy in the water going deeper and rescues him.
Buggy: “AWWW! I almost died…” Buggy climbs up on a broken piece of ship in the water after Jimbei helped Buggy from drowning.
Jimbei: “Buggy I have a plan. Listen closely…”
Buggy: “Whhaaaaaaat!! You got to be crazy to do that!” In his mind he says… “But I will go down in history as the one who rescued Portgaz D Ace from the marines.”
Jimbei: “Prepare yourself !” Jimbei launches a pillar of water over the wall towards the platform with Buggy inside a broken piece of a ship. Buggy screams the whole way…
Marines: “Another pillar of water!!”
Kizaru: “Ooooh… he is still alive.”
3rd part: Luffy goes into 2nd gear again to get to the platform faster… but Akainu plans on stopping him when he sees Buggy being launched towards platform. Battleaxe Sentomaru appears to head off Luffy.
Sentomaru: “I have the best defense in the world. You will not get passed me”
Luffy: “I dont have time to waste on you… pant … pant!”
Sentomaru: “You will not live thru this fight. I know you are a rubberboy and so I will use my axe.” Luffy looks up and sees Buggy heading towards the platform on a pillar of water ~~ “Gomu Gomu no – Jet Scapegoat!!”
Buggy: “ Stop thaaatt!! Gaaaaaah!”
4th part:
A couple of pirate ships are coming from the distant… Few of the Pacifistas are being destroyed. Sengoku & Garp, the Admirals, Whitebeard, Ace, and Luffy are shown looking backwards on who they could be.
All the guns, swords, and mortars are starting to move and shake. Then suddenly they are floating away from the marine headquarters and towards the marine paddle ship in the distant.
New world pirates: “Whats going on…?”
Marines: “All of the weapons are leaving us !!”
Whitebeard: “….mmm! More brats!”
Whitebeard tightens his grip on his spear as he attacks Garp. The supernovas have arrived to the battle. Urouge, Drake, Hawkins, Apoo, Law, Kid, Killer, Bonney and Capone. They had stolen a marine paddle ship to get to Marineford as quick as possible.
Law: yells out “ROOM!” As a bubble forms around a couple of Pacifistas… and law removes their heads from their bodies. Two big explosions in the bay as the marine paddle ship arrives.
Last scene shows Eustass “Captain” Kid… yelling “REPEL!!” as he has collected a ton of guns and arms.
by: hellfire32
I'm going to try something a little differently, I'm going to try and get more people involved in this because I want to hear more opinions and get others more involved. This discussion trial I'm going to be doing has no restrictions on where the topics can lead. They can be about past present or future cercumstances. Everyone is welcome to start a seperate board if they please based on a different discussion.
Anyway what I'm going to start off with is the present situation. I am more interested in what else will happen considering that Whitebeard's side has gotten a few more allies (Though Crocodile will be more or less temporary and unofficial). Crocodile is going to have an interesting fight with Doflamingo, and personally I think that Doflamingo is going to get beaten or killed in the fight. For a number of reasons, because Doflamingo being the unstable and self-absorbed man he is if he could have done any real damage to Crocodile while he could, he would have done it from the very beginning. So Crocodile will deal with Doflamingo though it will be a long battle. Kuma is more or less going to continously occupied by Ivankov. So the real problem for Whitebeard's side is Moria, Garp, Sengoku, the three, admirals, and Mihawk. We haven't seen Mihawk in a while and we haven't seen him get defeated by anyone so it's safe to say that Mihawk will show up again soon. Garp and Sengoku will probably end up fighting Whitebeard, which I think will be a REALLY interesting fight, I mean who wouldn't want to see probably the two strongest Marine tag team vs the World's strongest pirate. Marco could end up taking up at least one marine admiral, but being a Pheonix man it would stand to reason that he could take on all three marine admirals for a period of time, no doubt with some great difficulty but he wouldn't exactly get easily hurt due to his abilities. Discounting the marine admirals Moria is going to be a tough one to talk about, the problem will be "Who will take him on?" well Jimbei hasn't had problems yet with Moria so it would stand to reason that Jimbei might take on Moria. Mihawk is really debateable, cause there are two people that can stand a fight against Mihawk that Daimond guy I can't remember his name, and the twin sword dude, I can't remember his name either. With all the major annoyances from the marines out of the way or having being distracted by someone else, Luffy is for the most part home free in helping secure Ace, and well to say the least when Ace is free, the Marines are going to be dealing with more than they can handle. Of course this is assuming that three admirals would be occupied by Marco alone, but I also haven't talked about Boa taking on anyone big, and there are a couple pirates that could also contribute to dealing with them, so it's not that far of a stretch. But I think the biggest debate will be whether once they rescue Ace will they quickly retreat to the sea, or will they finish off the marines.
Again this is all up for discussion and don't be shy about voicing your own opinion, because all opinions are welcome and if you don't want to get involved in a discussion and only feel like giving an opinion just keep your name Ananymous (I can't spell it right now) if you do however feel like getting in a discussion you can have a made up name, or have your account name shown, again all opinons are welcome and I hope to see some big discussion going on soon.
by: hellfire32
I'm going to try something a little differently, I'm going to try and get more people involved in this because I want to hear more opinions and get others more involved. This discussion trial I'm going to be doing has no restrictions on where the topics can lead. They can be about past present or future cercumstances. Everyone is welcome to start a seperate board if they please based on a different discussion.
Anyway what I'm going to start off with is the present situation. I am more interested in what else will happen considering that Whitebeard's side has gotten a few more allies (Though Crocodile will be more or less temporary and unofficial). Crocodile is going to have an interesting fight with Doflamingo, and personally I think that Doflamingo is going to get beaten or killed in the fight. For a number of reasons, because Doflamingo being the unstable and self-absorbed man he is if he could have done any real damage to Crocodile while he could, he would have done it from the very beginning. So Crocodile will deal with Doflamingo though it will be a long battle. Kuma is more or less going to continously occupied by Ivankov. So the real problem for Whitebeard's side is Moria, Garp, Sengoku, the three, admirals, and Mihawk. We haven't seen Mihawk in a while and we haven't seen him get defeated by anyone so it's safe to say that Mihawk will show up again soon. Garp and Sengoku will probably end up fighting Whitebeard, which I think will be a REALLY interesting fight, I mean who wouldn't want to see probably the two strongest Marine tag team vs the World's strongest pirate. Marco could end up taking up at least one marine admiral, but being a Pheonix man it would stand to reason that he could take on all three marine admirals for a period of time, no doubt with some great difficulty but he wouldn't exactly get easily hurt due to his abilities. Discounting the marine admirals Moria is going to be a tough one to talk about, the problem will be "Who will take him on?" well Jimbei hasn't had problems yet with Moria so it would stand to reason that Jimbei might take on Moria. Mihawk is really debateable, cause there are two people that can stand a fight against Mihawk that Daimond guy I can't remember his name, and the twin sword dude, I can't remember his name either. With all the major annoyances from the marines out of the way or having being distracted by someone else, Luffy is for the most part home free in helping secure Ace, and well to say the least when Ace is free, the Marines are going to be dealing with more than they can handle. Of course this is assuming that three admirals would be occupied by Marco alone, but I also haven't talked about Boa taking on anyone big, and there are a couple pirates that could also contribute to dealing with them, so it's not that far of a stretch. But I think the biggest debate will be whether once they rescue Ace will they quickly retreat to the sea, or will they finish off the marines.
Again this is all up for discussion and don't be shy about voicing your own opinion, because all opinions are welcome and if you don't want to get involved in a discussion and only feel like giving an opinion just keep your name Ananymous (I can't spell it right now) if you do however feel like getting in a discussion you can have a made up name, or have your account name shown, again all opinons are welcome and I hope to see some big discussion going on soon.
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