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One Piece 576 (English 17-Pages)
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One Piece 576 Raw Pics
WB Commander: Pops!!!!
Blackbeard: Zehahahaha! Go forth, fellas! Shoot him full of holes!!
Whitebeard? Blackbeard?: One Piece… really does exist!!!
Sengoku: ….!!! How dare you…!!!!!
Blackbeard: Zehahahahahaha!!
Whitebeard monologue: Forgive me my sons… I’m going to leave you behind with a horrible fool…. This is the end of the road for me…
You guys gave me everything.
Whitebeard flashback
Pirate: It doesn’t make sense, a pirate who doesn’t have any interest in treasures? What exactly is it that you want? Hey, Newgate!!
Young Newgate: There is one thing I always wanted ever since I was a child…
Pirate: oh, so you DO have something you want!! Tell us, man!
Newgate: ….. family.
Pirate: What the hell? Gyahahahaha!!!
Whitebeard: You have my gratitude…. farewell, my sons…!!
Vasco: hm?
Blackbeard: he’s…. he’s dead!! And still standing!!
WB Commander: Pops….!!!
Narrator: “Whitebeard” is dead!!
Even in death, Whitebeard’s body never caves in.
Even with half of his head gone, he still destroys his enemies.
His statue could only be described as a “monster”.
The number of sword wound he recieved in this battle… 267 slashes.
The number of gun shot wound he recieved in this battle… 152 shots.
The number of cannon blast he recieved in this battle… 46.
Yet all you could see in his proud back… or shall we say, his life as a pirate….
Not a single wound from fleeing could be seen!!!
well I think the arguement of Whitebeard being usless was just thrown out the window (for the most part). I mean there is still argument that Whitebeard should have been able to dodge Akinu's attack, but then there is always a counter arguement SO THEN MOVING ON!
His mentality collapsed! Well, I can only wonder what Luffy is going to wake up like once he gets out of his mental stupor. Well here are the few possibilites of what Luffy is going to be like.
1. Luffy will get over Ace's death and simply move on his merry way.
2. Luffy is going to tell himself that there is nothing he can or will do and simply continue on his journey. (in a more depressed like mentality)
3. Luffy will become hellbent on revenge, or avenging (which ever one works for a person).
I've talked to a friend on his opinion about what Luffy will do, he thinks Luffy will simply "get over it". Me and my friend don't argue, but however we did talk long about how we think on what Luffy is going to do. I personally do agree with my friend that Luffy will "Get over Ace's death" but not before "Taking revenge" on Akinu and or the marines. I'll put up a poll as to see what people think on how luffy is going to move afterwards.
But talking more immediate matters, how is Luffy going to find his crew, or is he going to build another crew (not really a second crew to replace, but a second crew to accompany him along with his missing nakama) until he find his nakama. And who would be in his second crew, or who is going to re-establish a crew afterwards.
We'll I've got a few ideas, and here they are.
If Luffy gathers new nakama after this event, I believe these people have a possibility of joining.
1. Crocodile
2. Jimbei
3. Mr. 1
4. Mr. 3
5. Boa Hancock (assuming she losses her status because of her actions)
Characters who have a possibility of re-establishing, or forming a new crew afterwards.
1. Crocodile
2. Jimbei
3. Marco
4. Buggy
For the five that have a possibility of joining Luffy, well I know for some of these some people will have STRONG disagreement with me. But just take in the account of possibility that they might join. For those who I can already asking "Please explain"
1. Crocodile: well depending on how Crocodile views Whitebeard's death, and Ace's death. Since Crocodile has a rather odd sense of respect for Whitebeard, then well, After Whitebeard dies from his fight with the marines, Crocodile will see how much expectation or respect Whitebeard has for Luffy and will Join Luffy under the pretense of "You are an enemy of the Marines, and the Marines are my main enemy now" or something like that,
2. Jimbei, well most would agree that Jimbei has a high possibility of joining Luffy but he still has his bone to pick with Luffy about Arlong. (whether that is a violent bone or needing to talk bone I have no idea).
3. Mr. 1 well Mr. 1 follows Crocodile so if Crocodile joins Luffy then Mr. 1 is likley to follow
4. Mr. 3 well Mr. 3 seems to have developed a sort of admiration or liking towards Luffy and it wouldn't strike me as odd for him to follow Luffy.
5. Boa Hancock, well like I said before, if she losses her status as a Shichibukai (which is unlikley) she would most likley join Luffy. Of course there is always the possibility that Boa will lose her status afterwards because of her actions and she will be imprisoned forcing Luffy to make another attempt to rescue her.
As for those who would establish a new crew welll.
1. Crocodile has a strong possibility as he seems to be the kind of person who is his own master, and Mr. 1 would probably follow him.
2. Jimbei has the possibility of returning to Fishman island now that Whitebeard has died and is willing to protect Fishman island.
3. Marco, is probably going to be obvious as he will probably try to keep the Whitebeard pirates together by becoming the next captain.
4. Buggy well, let's face it Buggy is too proud of a character to join Luffy and with the Marines more out for his head, it would be logical he would try to search out his old crew with his new followers and try to survive in East Blue or continue onto the new world.
ALL OPINIONS ARE WELCOME, don't be shy, I discourage hateful talk or insulting (Like last week we had some foul words come up), I'm letting it slide because for the most part it was expressing of deep dissagreement, but let's keep it friendly please, I don't want to be deleting comments because of foul language. No one has made enemies on this blog yet so LET'S KEEP IT THAT WAY. Anyone has a question or wants me to post their disscussion/prediction for this blog just e-mail me at, or can e-mail naruto addict at (check a second source incase I misspelled something).
_____________________________________________________________Blackbeard: Zehahahaha! Go forth, fellas! Shoot him full of holes!!
Whitebeard? Blackbeard?: One Piece… really does exist!!!
Sengoku: ….!!! How dare you…!!!!!
Blackbeard: Zehahahahahaha!!
Whitebeard monologue: Forgive me my sons… I’m going to leave you behind with a horrible fool…. This is the end of the road for me…
You guys gave me everything.
Whitebeard flashback
Pirate: It doesn’t make sense, a pirate who doesn’t have any interest in treasures? What exactly is it that you want? Hey, Newgate!!
Young Newgate: There is one thing I always wanted ever since I was a child…
Pirate: oh, so you DO have something you want!! Tell us, man!
Newgate: ….. family.
Pirate: What the hell? Gyahahahaha!!!
Whitebeard: You have my gratitude…. farewell, my sons…!!
Vasco: hm?
Blackbeard: he’s…. he’s dead!! And still standing!!
WB Commander: Pops….!!!
Narrator: “Whitebeard” is dead!!
Even in death, Whitebeard’s body never caves in.
Even with half of his head gone, he still destroys his enemies.
His statue could only be described as a “monster”.
The number of sword wound he recieved in this battle… 267 slashes.
The number of gun shot wound he recieved in this battle… 152 shots.
The number of cannon blast he recieved in this battle… 46.
Yet all you could see in his proud back… or shall we say, his life as a pirate….
Not a single wound from fleeing could be seen!!!
well I think the arguement of Whitebeard being usless was just thrown out the window (for the most part). I mean there is still argument that Whitebeard should have been able to dodge Akinu's attack, but then there is always a counter arguement SO THEN MOVING ON!
His mentality collapsed! Well, I can only wonder what Luffy is going to wake up like once he gets out of his mental stupor. Well here are the few possibilites of what Luffy is going to be like.
1. Luffy will get over Ace's death and simply move on his merry way.
2. Luffy is going to tell himself that there is nothing he can or will do and simply continue on his journey. (in a more depressed like mentality)
3. Luffy will become hellbent on revenge, or avenging (which ever one works for a person).
I've talked to a friend on his opinion about what Luffy will do, he thinks Luffy will simply "get over it". Me and my friend don't argue, but however we did talk long about how we think on what Luffy is going to do. I personally do agree with my friend that Luffy will "Get over Ace's death" but not before "Taking revenge" on Akinu and or the marines. I'll put up a poll as to see what people think on how luffy is going to move afterwards.
But talking more immediate matters, how is Luffy going to find his crew, or is he going to build another crew (not really a second crew to replace, but a second crew to accompany him along with his missing nakama) until he find his nakama. And who would be in his second crew, or who is going to re-establish a crew afterwards.
We'll I've got a few ideas, and here they are.
If Luffy gathers new nakama after this event, I believe these people have a possibility of joining.
1. Crocodile
2. Jimbei
3. Mr. 1
4. Mr. 3
5. Boa Hancock (assuming she losses her status because of her actions)
Characters who have a possibility of re-establishing, or forming a new crew afterwards.
1. Crocodile
2. Jimbei
3. Marco
4. Buggy
For the five that have a possibility of joining Luffy, well I know for some of these some people will have STRONG disagreement with me. But just take in the account of possibility that they might join. For those who I can already asking "Please explain"
1. Crocodile: well depending on how Crocodile views Whitebeard's death, and Ace's death. Since Crocodile has a rather odd sense of respect for Whitebeard, then well, After Whitebeard dies from his fight with the marines, Crocodile will see how much expectation or respect Whitebeard has for Luffy and will Join Luffy under the pretense of "You are an enemy of the Marines, and the Marines are my main enemy now" or something like that,
2. Jimbei, well most would agree that Jimbei has a high possibility of joining Luffy but he still has his bone to pick with Luffy about Arlong. (whether that is a violent bone or needing to talk bone I have no idea).
3. Mr. 1 well Mr. 1 follows Crocodile so if Crocodile joins Luffy then Mr. 1 is likley to follow
4. Mr. 3 well Mr. 3 seems to have developed a sort of admiration or liking towards Luffy and it wouldn't strike me as odd for him to follow Luffy.
5. Boa Hancock, well like I said before, if she losses her status as a Shichibukai (which is unlikley) she would most likley join Luffy. Of course there is always the possibility that Boa will lose her status afterwards because of her actions and she will be imprisoned forcing Luffy to make another attempt to rescue her.
As for those who would establish a new crew welll.
1. Crocodile has a strong possibility as he seems to be the kind of person who is his own master, and Mr. 1 would probably follow him.
2. Jimbei has the possibility of returning to Fishman island now that Whitebeard has died and is willing to protect Fishman island.
3. Marco, is probably going to be obvious as he will probably try to keep the Whitebeard pirates together by becoming the next captain.
4. Buggy well, let's face it Buggy is too proud of a character to join Luffy and with the Marines more out for his head, it would be logical he would try to search out his old crew with his new followers and try to survive in East Blue or continue onto the new world.
ALL OPINIONS ARE WELCOME, don't be shy, I discourage hateful talk or insulting (Like last week we had some foul words come up), I'm letting it slide because for the most part it was expressing of deep dissagreement, but let's keep it friendly please, I don't want to be deleting comments because of foul language. No one has made enemies on this blog yet so LET'S KEEP IT THAT WAY. Anyone has a question or wants me to post their disscussion/prediction for this blog just e-mail me at, or can e-mail naruto addict at (check a second source incase I misspelled something).
by: Lawlord
One Piece 576: The Blackbeard Pirates
We see Aikanu landing on some rock, and he doesn’t touch the ocean, laying defeated and bloody.
Whitebeard face close up, his eyes are white
Sengoku: “What the hell is this blackbeard!?” (he lets up Garp)
Blackbeard: “Zehehahaha sorry to disappoint you, I’ve just been waiting for the right opportunity.”
Sengoku: “??”
Marines: “Opportunity? Whats he talking about? Is he still a Shichibukai?”
Blackbeard: “Didn’t I tell you straw hat, you put up a good fight, but I’m sorry it’s my time now zehahahaha!”
Luffy is unconscious in Jimbei’s arms
He jumps down from the scaffold, landing with darkness all behind him.
We see individual portraits of all his crew all smirking.
Blackbeard: “It’s time for me to replace you father! ahahah”
with writing “The Blackbeard pirates assemble!!”
Marco (angered): “That bastard, this is all his fault”
Whitebeard pirates stop running and start turning around to face teach.
“hey what’d he say to the old man!!?” say the wb pirates. “Whoa! Are those the 3 legendary impel down prisoners!? Is that shiryu?”
Close up on whitebeard, his eyes shut: “Get out of here, NOW!!!!”
“Teach!!” says a group of WB pirates as they grit their teeth and turns for the ships.
Luffy is being rushed aboard a ship by Jimbei, oblivious to the happenings.
Sengoku: “Replace him, what is this nonsense?”
Blackbeard: “I will kill whitebeard myself and claim his title as Younkou, and you marines had better not interfere in it”
Sengoku: “You dog, can never trust a pirate… Aikanu”
Aikanu springs forth and shoots a torrent of ice towards blackbeard
The large drinking crewmember leaps down, drinking his bottle and releases a spray of fire from his mouth, incinerating the ice blast.
Aikanu: “this man… this will be more difficult than I thought”
Aikanu instantly freezes the ground and it rushes toward, and freezes the feet of the man!
Close up on Blackbeard face as he grins as the HUGE OARS like man smashes his fist on the floor shattering the ice surrounding the drinking mans feet, while smiling.
Blackbeard: “OH so it’s going to be like this is it, zehahaha”
The drinking man is standing in front of blackbeard, BUT THE NEXT THING WE SEE IS A FLASH OF VICE ADMIRAL GARP!!
He appears out of nowhere, close up of his face with tears in his eyes
Garp: “ACEEE!! He started this!”
BAM!!!! His huge fist connects with the legendary drunk man and smashes him away into the building.
Blackbeard: ?!?!
Garp stops before Blackbeard
Sengoku (thinking oh crap I let him up): “Garp what are you doing!?”
Blackbeard: “Zehahahaha, I’m sorry about Ace, apologise to straw hat will ya”
As he charges his darkness around his fist and blasts away the ground, knocking Garp back. Garp is blasted away
Sengoku is about to charge but stops and thinks: “They only seem to want to target Whitebeard, I should let this go for the moment”
Kizaru is about to fly in, Sengoku: “stop for the moment”
Blackbeard is walking towards Whitebeard with his crew behind him, walking past the marines and towards WB.
Marines: Wow look at his crew! Amazing, Shiryuu of Impel down, shichibukai Blackbeard, the 3 legendary prisoners, what power!!!”
Blackbeard (staring down WB): “It’s time to claim the prize, zehahahaha”
Whitebeard stands strong and resolute
WB pirates shocked and worried
Next chapter title: A Yonkou