Sunday, February 7, 2010

One Piece 574 discussion

No I don't want Ace to die, but then again, this is Oda were talking about, he could have Ace barley survive the attack, and Luffy's rage from thinking that Ace did die, cause him to go APE on Suzaki (I can't remember his exact name). and KICK THE LIVING CRAP OUT OF HIM! At this point everyone is going to turn back to get Ace's body, which will increase the potential casualties. I have no idea what Boa Hancock is going to do because she seems to be just standing on the side lines and not getting involved most likley to keep Amazon Lily safe. My prediciton of the next chapter is as good as everyone elses, but the biggest question is "Did Ace Survive that or not?"

1. Ace survives it barley and is knocked unconcious because of the intense pain.
2. Ace dies and following Whitebeard's death the Whitebeard pirates disperse, and all the allies return to teh new world a broken band of friends and groups.

Again my guess is as good as everyone elses, but I'm betting that Ace survived the attack, this is me HOPING A LOT and because we saw the paper that indicates Ace's life wither, but doesn't dissappear COMPLETLEY.

If I had to make a quick side prediction it would be this. Ace survives, but barley, Luffy enraged takes on Suzaki and MAULS him, Whitebeard enraged that one of his "Sons" dies before him he goes APE on the remaining marines and kills an Admiral or a LOT of high ranking Marines. The retreating Whitebeard Pirates grab Ace's body and retreat tot he ships and Luffy follows soon after. While all this is happening, Sengoku suddenly get's a report that Dragon haas appeared, but at Marijoa the Celestial Dragon's home and is raising havok. Sengoku and the marines biggest job being to protect the Celestial Dragons Sengoku tells everyone to forget the Whitebeard pirates and head for Marijoa, Whitebeard dies as the Marines run off, but uses the last of his strength to have the HQ collapse COMPLETLEY. And it would normally end there, and since I'm guessing, I have no educated guess or predictions I won't go much beyond that.

ALL OPINIONS ARE WELCOME, I discourage insulting, hateful talk, or argueing. Disscussion is about clashing opinions so it will be expected. AND DON'T BE SHY.

P.S if you want to hav eyour prediction posted you can E-mail it to me at, or at NarutoSpoilers e-mail at Note that the e-mails are also below this so if I get one wrong please let me know.

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