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(flashback Ace): Did you know? We drink from each other's cup, and we become sworn brothers!
From today on.... we are brothers!
WB Commander: You gotta be kidding me!!
WB COmmander: Ace....!!
Crowd: "Fire Fist" Ace is dead!!
Ivankov: Strawhat Boy!!! (This is bad!!! He's mentally broken...!! His life is now in danger!!)
Jinbei: !!! Huh!?
Curiel: Watch out, it's Akainu!!
Akainu: And it's your turn, Strawhat!!!
Marco: You can't have his life!!
Pirates: Commander Marco!
Marco: Take Ace's brother, Jinbei!!
Jinbei: Understood!
Marco: His life.... is "Ace's will" that still lives on!! We'll protect him in place of Ace, I swear it!!!
If you let him die, consider it a shame on the entire Whitebeard Pirates!!!
Jinbei: Luffy, get a hang of yourself!!
Pirates: UOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
Akainu: I told you already.... I won't let either of you two brothers get away...!!!
Marine: Admiral Akainu!!! Watch out!!!
Whitebeard pwnage
Akainu: Gah!!!!! *cough blood*
Pirate: Oh man, Pops is pissed...!!!! EVERYONE GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!!!!
Pirates: Oh god!! Pops!!!
Akainu: "Meigou"!! (Hellhound)
Marines: Whoaaaaa!!!! It's crashing down.... The Marine HQ is crashing down!!!!
Akainu: *cough* Damn you...!!! WHITEBEARD!!!!!
Marines: Admiral Sakazuki!!!
Marines: Uwaaaa!!!
Pirates: Don't fall, grab on to me!!
Pirates: Damn, we got completeliy separated from Pops!!
Marines: The plaza's split in two!!! The pirates are on the other side!!
Pirates: Pops!!!!!
Sengoku: He still has this much power, even after losing half his face...!!
Whitebeard: I'm not through yet!!
Pirate: Pop!!! Ace!!!
Pirate: Mourn when you get back to the ship!! Hurry, aboard the ship!!!
Pirate: Any ship that moves, move it to the edge of the bay!!
Hancock: Salome! I'm so worried about Luffy!!!
Salome: shaa! shaaa!!
Marine: Hey, look.... what is that!!! There's something in the shadow of the HQ fortress!!!
???: hey, they found us
Marine: What!? He... it can't be....
Marine: Not just that!!! Who's up there on the execution stand!!
???: oh, they finally noticed us
Sengoku: You...!!? How did you get here!?
Doflamingo: Fuffuffuffu!!!! This is awesome!!! We got a great guest here!!
Whitebeard: Damn you....!!!
Marine: Blackbeard Pirates!?
Blackbeard: Long time no see!!! I'm glad I got here in time to see you die, Pops!!!
Whitebeard: Teach....!!!
by: Nja-2ch / Steven D. Teach
Here's my shot at it---"It looks like the spoiler is already here, post 67 (the summary Aohige gave us) has it pretty much...Akainu falls head over heels into the cracked ground that Whitebeard's earthquake causes. But it looks like it doesn't just hurt Akainu, half of Whitebeard's face is in pain during the punch(I am REALLY not sure about this).
Sengoku: Even half injured, he still has this power...(again, unsure)
Something like this, it ends with WB and Teach.
Again, I don't feel so good about that one. Probably has something to do with me being drunk, cut me some slack if it's off an defer to Aohige.
"The guys Blackbeard brings with him are--a big dude like Oars, an old woman, and a big guy drinking, I think that's it? For the newcomers, the rest are the usual crew" if I screwed it up fix it, and my bad.
Comment from Steven D. Teach
As an edit--It's also possible that what I translated as WB having a half-painful expression being that Akainu burned half of his face. Keep that in mind, but don't take me 100% on it, sorry I can't give you guys much closure.
Akainu damages (I'm trying to be as general with this as possible because I am trashed and unsure about this line) WB's face countering his first attack.
WB's second attack splits the island in two.
WB remains on one half of the island taking on the Marine HQ and Blackbeard and co.
On the other half are those that were ordered to retreat.
And again, drunk and not as awesome as Aohige, so sorry if anything is wrong.
Akainu falls into the crack in the ground after being taken out by Whitebeard.
But he doesn't go down without a fight. He punches Whitebeard, and takes out half of his face.
Sengoku comments on how Whitebeard has so much power even without half his face.
The guys Blackbeard brought with him are:
A HUGE mofo like Oz, an old hag, and a large man drinking booze like crazy. The rest are his usual crew.
Akainu takes out half of Whitebeard's face with the counter attack, Whitebeard's second attack splits the entire island in two.
Whitebeard is left standing alone in one half of the island, fighting the entire rest of marines, and Blackbeard pirates.
The rest of Whitebeard pirates told to retreat are left on the other half of the island.
Status: FAKE
Chapter 575: Anger without words!!
Luffy is at loss, Akainu takes the chance to attack him! Marco blocks his attack.
Whitebeard attacks him without saying a word.
Akainu fights back, but is taken down with two attacks. The second punch sends damage to the entire HQ, and not just Akainu.
Blackbeard pirates, who appears to have been observing the whole deal, appears with three legendary prisoners + Shiryu + another character.
Blackbeard: "I'm glad I made it in time to see your death, pops."
by: Zetsu-san
One Piece 575
ACE DIES... What’s Luffy’s next move?
Garp: (Tears running down his face) ACE! (Struggles to get out of Sengoku’s grip)
Sengoku: Garp! You know what’ll happen If you kill Sakazuki!! (Tightens his grip on Garp)
Garp: LUFFY RUUUUUUUUN!!!! (Thinking)I can’t lose two grandsons!
Luffy: (slams his fist down into the floor) GEAR SECOND! (A tear drops from Luffy’s face. Luffy wipes away the tear, with a fierce look in his eyes) YOUR GOING TO PAAAAAAAAY!!! (A burst of Haki is unleashed knocking several marines back)
Ivankov: Strawhat, don’t do it, get away!
Akainu: He paid the price for his criminal acts. That was justice! Now it’s your turn to face justice. (Akainu’s fist turns to magma)
Akainu: How pitif-
Luffy: JET PISTOL! (Hits Akainu straight in the chest, Akainu goes flying backwards)
Akainu: Shit! Haōshoku Haki!
Luffy: (Appears behind Akainu) JET BAZOOKA!
Akainu: (Flying back in the direction he originally came from) what speed!
Whitebeard: Boy... (He watches on, as well as the other pirates)
Kizaru: Oh-hohoho, Strawhat, You may be fast, but you can’t match me. (Kizaru flies in for a kick on Luffy)
Marco: Aren’t you forgetting someone? (Marco intercepts Kizaru’s kick (like Rayleigh did))
Kizaru: Oh, you again! (Smiles)
Luffy: GEAR THIRD! (Luffy enlarges his fist) GOMU GOMU NOOOOOO-
Akainu: (Gets up off the floor) DAI FUNKA! (Akainu swings at Luffy with his magma fist)
Luffy: GIGANT JET PISTOL! (His giant fist clashes with Akainu’s “Dai Funka”. Akainu is sent flying back and crashes into the HQ walls)
Pirates: WOAH! HE JUST BEAT ADMIRAL AKAINU!!! (They watch in pure amazement)
Buggy: (Thinking) WOAH!!! HOW DID STRAWHAT DO THAT!?
Luffy: *PANT* *PANT*(Luffy turns small from the effects of Gear Third)
Aokiji: *Sigh* What a nuisance... ICE TIME CAPSULE! (Aokiji sends a wave of Ice along the ground)
Whitebeard: Not so fast! (Whitebeard sends an earthquake which intercepts the ice)
Aokiji: I see... You won’t let us touch the boy? (Aokiji stares at Whitebeard)
Whitebeard: Damn right!
Aokiji: Ice Time Capsule! (Aokiji sends a massive wave of ice towards whitebeard)
Whitebeard: Gurararara! (Whitebeard blocks with several air quakes)
Luffy: *PANT* *PANT* (Luffy, still lying on the ground, changes back to normal size)
Aokiji: This is pointless... (Turns towards Luffy and runs towards him)
Whitebeard: Marco! (Thinking) Damn, I’m not fast enough. Damn It!
Aokiji: Strawhat Luffy, you are a threat to the world. You be executed here as well.
Garp: LUFFY!
Aokiji: Ice Time Capsule
Luffy: (The ice heads straight for Luffy) Damn! I can’t move.
Marco: (Flies in and kicks Aokiji away) He doesn’t die yet. (Marco then flies in pursuit of Aokiji)
Kizaru: Oh! But you left him right open! (Marco turns in shock as he sees Kizaru standing next to Luffy)
Aokiji: Ice Time (Aokiji freezes Marco)
Kizaru: (Kizaru holds his foot above Luffy; His foot is glowing with light) Goodbye, Strawhat, you’ll be seeing Ace very soon.
(As Kizaru lowers his foot to kill Luffy, his kick is redirected)
???: This seems familiar!?
Kizaru: OH! (Kizaru says surprised) I didn’t think I’d be seeing you again so soon, “Dark King”.
Luffy: Ray-san! (Suddenly two figures grab Luffy) Woah, what are you doing!?
Luffy: (A tear runs down Luffy’s face as he sees his crew standing around him) Zoro! Nami! Usopp! Sanji! Chopper! Robin! Franky! Brooke!
Zoro: Sorry, we’re late, Captain!
Luffy’s Nakama are back! What’ll happen now they join the war!
by: Lawlord
One Piece 575: The King Released
Luffy is shown close up of his face, eyes rolled back, stunned, in total shock.
A flash back of luffy saying he would save ace no matter what, and then the picture of his bloody body on the floor.
Aikanu to luffy: "Thats one discrace down, now one more" his fist turns to flame and heads for Luffy
Read OP 575 Discussions
Luffy releases a tremendous, unholy howl, more animal than human. It's so powerful it releases a shockwave over the battlefield.
The shock wave knocks out all but the strongest fighters. The vice admirals (except garp) are paralysed. The admirals are standing and Aikanu is knocked back from luffy a few feet.
Sengoku: "The kings disposition unleashed!?" Thinking: "What is this power, is this his true potential?"
Pirates: !?
before they faint. Whitebeard and captains are still standing, all with intense shock on their face.
Marco: "What is this power, the shockwave is even visible to the eye? What is this haki?"
Aikanu looks startled, but regains his composure.
He begins to speak: "That was impressive, but not good enough..."
Read OP 575 Discussions
HE IS INTERRUPTED AS LUFFY IS NO LONGER WHERE HE WAS, BUT IS DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF AIKANU with a fist that appears to be infused with some kind of visible energy.
Aikanu thinking: "WHAT??!?"
LUFFY'S FACE IS ANIMALISTIC AS we see a double page of luffy's punch hitting Aikanu in the stomach, releasing a huge amount of energy, totally savage and lifting Aikanu from his feet.
Aikanu is thrown FAR 50m+ into rocks. Close up on him now his face is bloody, with blood coming from his mouth.
Thinking: "So much power" before the panel changed and the words "roger".
Luffy's face is still animalistic, his eyes are white, his teeth bared. HE SCREAMS AGAIN
In his rage Luffy sees something. A vision of ace in his mind telling him he loves him and wants to see him achieve his dream.
Luffy lets out a crying noise and drops on his back unconscious.
IVA is shown with an intensely shocked face.
IVA: "WHAT POWER!!! He has fainted from his body's damage, he will not come to for weeks" IVA quickly runs to grab him.
In this confusion, whitebeard is seen with tears leaking from his eyes.
"WHITE BEARD PIRATES ESCAPE NOW!!!!" he says commandingly
HE SCREAMS like a warrior as IVA grabs luffy, and the other pirates, seeing his anger also run to the paddle ship.
Whitebeard thinks: "Ace my son"
HE is crying
whitebeard: "MARINESSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
The last panel is whitebeard punching the air with both hands, causing HUGE CRACKS in the air (far bigger than before with the wave) with his head up and tears coming from his eyes INCREDIBLY ANGRY AND POWERFUL.
One Piece 574: The Death of Portgas D Ace
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